Submitting models weekly

Hey guys, sorry ahead for the noob question, but I could not find the answer by searching.

I am confused about submitting models weekly. In the documentation it states that rounds are 4 week duration, but it also mentions submitting models weekly. If I submit a model for round 284, if I train against the new data and submit the same model again, did I just overwrite my 284 submission? Or do I now have 2 different models for 284 and 285 that will each resolve after 4 weeks?

I guess what is throwing me off is the documentation stating that you must submit models weekly to participate.

Thanks ahead for your help.

Imagine there is 4 months fix deposit service from your bank and you deposit your cash monthly.

Forget the word “model” for a minute – you are submitting predictions from a model.

You submit a set of predictions at week #1 – it resolves at week #5. (+4)
You submit a set of predictions at week #2 – it resolves at week #6.
You submit a set of predictions at week #3 – it resolves at week #7.
You submit a set of predictions at week #4 – it resolves at week #8.

… and so on forever. So once you get going you have 4 overlapping “live” rounds always in-progress with one of them resolving each week and a new one starting each week.

The model can be the same model, trained only once, and you just generate new predictions each round on the new live data.

You can skip weeks if you want to, there is no actual (tangible) penalty and you won’t be barred from participating or anything. But the rankings/leaderboard, etc are based on long-term performance and assumes you submit every week.


Thank you very much. That explains it perfectly.