How to get model_id, public_id, secret_key

Hello, i just encountered today. When running the first submission. I got this question

# Get your API keys and model_id from
public_id = "REPLACEME"
secret_key = "REPLACEME"
model_id = "REPLACEME"
napi = numerapi.NumerAPI(public_id=public_id, secret_key=secret_key)

How to get the public_id, secret_key, and model_id?

Thank you

I found one post and submit successfully, but how to check my submissions?

Welcome to the tournament @sharkdeng!

You can create API keys from your account settings page (Log into numerai, click on the gear icon on the top right and then click on Settings in the menu). Once you’re on that page, click on “Create API Key” under “Automation”.

You can get the model_id for your model(s) from the models page (Also accessible from the gear icon on the top right of the page). You can also get model_id for your models from the API. I recommend reading the numerapi docs for that.

You can check your latest submission from the tournament page. You can also get it via the API. Everything accesible via the website is also available via the API, except for the API keys.


Does anyone have any more detail about what syntax is necessary to use the API? I have tried this:

public_id = "REPLACEME"
secret_key = "REPLACEME"
model_id = "REPLACEME"
napi = numerapi.NumerAPI(public_id=public_id, secret_key=secret_key)

In a couple of different ways and I keep getting back:

ERROR numerapi.base_api: Your session is invalid or has expired.


This typically means that you have the public_id and secret_key swapped.

I tried that, tried all caps, I am still seeing the same thing, not any type of login failure or anything like that. Are there any type of extended diags available with that command?