CoE executed a transaction lending 200 NMR to the Kashi pool
Awesome!!! Happy farming
And great news for anyone wanting to borrow of course!
I’m not too familiar with how to use etherscan to well. Did you just look up the CoE wallet? Does anyone also happen to know the address of the Erasure contracts and how to see things like burns and adds to people’s stakes on etherscan?
I want to borrow 5000 NMR for a year (at least for six months) and at the end of period return the same amount (5000) of NMR.
I would like to pay a fixed and known amount of interest, based on initial price (155K USD aprox).
Which should be this interest rate? 10%? 20%?
Where can I do this kind of transaction?
Sorry if some of this is trivial but I never worked with these platforms.
Should the interest be paid in NMR or USD?
At a fixed rate will need a different contract. Currently there’s 4k+ NMR available to borrow at SUSHI at an elastic interest rate (charged in NMR).
See for a better understanding of this elastic interest rate and on using Kashi to lend or borrow NMR my articles:
If I have understood the elastic interest rate, if I borrow all the offer then the interest will skyrocket. Is necessary a bigger pile of NMR in Kashi…
you are correct, i didn’t fully understand this and was almost liquidated during an NMR price spike (presumably would have incurred some fees in the transaction). Luckily I was able to add more USDC to the collateral.
So for to be safe, we need to have as collateral aprox 2X of value of NMR borrowed, so if NMR spike 50-80% you still be covered.
This borrow is special, as not used for short (that is a real risk). Using the NMR for stacking you have the risk of loss if your models underperform, but you are free of risk in NMR change value.