I think CoE needs to communicate a clear design filter. I propose:
- the role of the CoE is to trailblaze, to generate original and even crazy ideas, and guide them to a minimal pilot;
- the method is by running many small, inexpensive, easily cancellable experiments;
- following an abundance mentality. There are sufficient funds to cover reasonable out of pocket costs for 100+ projects, but long-term salary like disbursements are an invitation for hunger-games like fights.
The key then is if some of these pilots generate interest and benefit, it becomes Numerai’s job to expand, resource, scale it and overcome bottlenecks.
Making decisions become easier following the above filter:
- hell yeah for the initial incarnations of aventurine newsletter, Signals R with Liz, home5com marketplace minimal product;
- grown-past-CoE, we love it, now-let-Numerai-resource-it for ohwa