Signals payout improvement?

Following up on the comment from @of_s, and with the huge caveat that this data is 10+ years old and the below rows are cherry-picked, rank-based predictions that drove an S&P500 market neutral fund for 5+ years. Annual returns averaged 20.2% which used to be among the top of the heap for market-neutral systematic funds.

Prediction Horizon weeks 1 2 4 13
Return metric, for horizon 4.79 17.41 40.54 149.68
Return metric, avg per week 4.79 8.71 10.14 11.51
Alpha contribution (annualized) -0.20% 5.09% 6.48% 8.58%

My intuition is a 2 to 4 week prediction window will yield better results for signals. And the performance gap between main tournament and signals might be supporting my intuition. However, feel free to give me a hard time about this :slight_smile: as I haven’t done a study with recent data or the signals universe.

I think I heard @mdo say before that targets matter more than modeling techniques – I wonder if numerai has done or will do a study to determine optimal signals target horizon.