Era Boosted Models

I want to share a new model that we have studied internally at Numerai. We think it is a big improvement over the current example predictions model and the simple idea behind it could be helpful to many Numerai data scientists. So we want to share it.

Our current example predictions have performed well over the last few months and currently place 27th in the tournament. The example predictions are built from a simple XGBoost model but with some important tweaks such as setting colsample_bytree=0.1 to reduce overfitting to specific features.

Letā€™s look at the in sample performance of the example predictions as we train that model on the training data.

After 10 trees

As you can see even after 10 trees the model is has learned to get positive correlation in most eras. However, there are still many eras with very weak or even negative correlations. (The x-axis here is eras in order - apologies for the image.)

After 200 trees

After 200 trees, there are fewer negative eras and of course the mean correlation is a lot higher however performance of the model is very inconsistent even in sample. Because of the large standard deviation between eras, the Sharpe of this model is only 2.28 in sample after 100 trees. We can see the problem here is that the XGBoost model is really just trying to maximize itā€™s mean performance over the training data it is not also trying to minimize the standard deviation of returns across eras or produce a stationary model through time (see post on Performance Stationarity).

So can we improve the XGBoost model we use in example predictions so that it cares about improving Sharpe over time not just mean correlation? It is possible that there are fancy neural network architectures and cost functions that can do this directly in the learning. But thereā€™s another way; borrowing ideas from boosting we can simply upweight the eras we want to improve not just the training examples. We call this Era Boosting.

The Era Boosting algorithm
Build 10 trees on all eras in the training data
Predict with your model over the training data and see which eras are in the worst half of performance vs the other eras
Then build 10 new trees but only on the worst half of eras
Predict with all your trees over the training data and see which eras are in the worst half of performance vs the other eras
Then build 10 new trees but only on the worst half of erasā€¦ repeat

Era Boosting in action
The first 10 trees are the same as example predictions - they are built with all eras

But after 200 trees where every 10 trees we told the model to only build trees for the eras where it was underperforming the results change dramatically.

With the same number of trees as before, we now have no negative eras and the eras have consistent and similar performance with low standard deviation among era performance. The in sample Sharpe here is now 21.99.

By building trees on only the worst performing eras, we are in a sense asking the model to learn something that gives equal performance across all eras and minimizes the performance difference between a good era and a bad era. We are asking the model to learn something more stationary and consistent and so it does.

Btw the era boosted models also have lower autocorrelation and higher Smart Sharpe in sample than regular models (see again Performance Stationarity).

Michael wrote up some simple code to do era boosting which I have shared below. I think weā€™ll integrate the idea into example scripts soon and perhaps use the idea for a new version of example predictions.

Open questions:
I didnā€™t talk about out of sample performance in this post - Sharpe of 22 is absolutely an overfit so how can one use this idea without overfitting so quickly? Does it need slower learning rate?
Does era boosting really perform better than example predictions if you did cross validation by holding out groups of eras?
We equal weight all the worst performing eras but perhaps they should have weights that grow in some exponential way like AdaBoost does.
Can bagging on eras help for example choosing a random sample of 67% of eras before selecting the worst half of eras? This would let the model see a more diverse distribution of eras.
Do the era boosted models automatically feature neutralize themselves in some sense or do they also take on high feature exposures? Is their feature exposure lower than eg preds?

def ar1(x):
    return np.corrcoef(x[:-1], x[1:])[0,1]

def autocorr_penalty(x):
    n = len(x)
    p = ar1(x)
    return np.sqrt(1 + 2*np.sum([((n - i)/n)*p**i for i in range(1,n)]))

def smart_sharpe(x):
    return np.mean(x)/(np.std(x, ddof=1)*autocorr_penalty(x))

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def era_boost_train(X, y, era_col, proportion=0.5, trees_per_step=10, num_iters=200):
    model = GradientBoostingRegressor(max_depth=5, learning_rate=0.01, max_features="sqrt", subsample=0.5, n_estimators=trees_per_step, warm_start=(num_iters>1))
    features = X.columns, y)
    new_df = X.copy()
    new_df["target"] = y
    new_df["era"] = era_col
    for i in range(num_iters-1):
        print(f"iteration {i}")
        # score each era
        print("predicting on train")
        preds = model.predict(X)
        new_df["pred"] = preds
        era_scores = pd.Series(index=new_df["era"].unique())
        print("getting per era scores")
        for era in new_df["era"].unique():
            era_df = new_df[new_df["era"] == era]
            era_scores[era] = spearmanr(era_df["pred"], era_df["target"])[0]
        worst_eras = era_scores[era_scores <= era_scores.quantile(proportion)].index
        worst_df = new_df[new_df["era"].isin(worst_eras)]
        print("performance over time")
        print("mean correlation")
        print("smart sharpe")
        model.n_estimators += trees_per_step
        print("fitting on worst eras")[features], worst_df["target"])
    return model

boost_model = era_boost_train(train_features, train_targets["target_kazutsugi"], era_col=train_targets["era"], proportion=0.5, trees_per_step=10, num_iters=20)

That is a pretty interesting topic. Just adding my 2 cents here.
If we refer to the previous discussions about performance stationarity, this seems like the perfect solution.
I have not looked at the model myself but does it generalizes at all? What are the results on the validation period?
I assume it is not too complex to achieve this result with trees. Just fit each era independently and ensemble the trees for example should give something probably 90% of the way there I imagine ( do not quote me on this :slight_smile: ).
This brings me to the important point that I think Numerai meant by performance stationarity, and it is instead model stationarity. If the model is fitted and behaving differently across eras of the training set, I do not believe this model has much chance of generalizing well as we have a limited set of eras. This is the typical bias/variance trade off.


Era boosting with XGBoost.

from xgboost import XGBRegressor

def spearmanr(target, pred):
    return np.corrcoef(
        pred.rank(pct=True, method="first")
    )[0, 1]

def era_boost_train(X, y, era_col, proportion=0.5, trees_per_step=10, num_iters=200):
    model = XGBRegressor(max_depth=5, learning_rate=0.01, n_estimators=trees_per_step, n_jobs=-1, colsample_bytree=0.1)
    features = X.columns, y)
    new_df = X.copy()
    new_df["target"] = y
    new_df["era"] = era_col
    for i in range(num_iters-1):
        print(f"iteration {i}")
        # score each era
        print("predicting on train")
        preds = model.predict(X)
        new_df["pred"] = preds
        era_scores = pd.Series(index=new_df["era"].unique())
        print("getting per era scores")
        for era in new_df["era"].unique():
            era_df = new_df[new_df["era"] == era]
            era_scores[era] = spearmanr(era_df["pred"], era_df["target"])
        worst_eras = era_scores[era_scores <= era_scores.quantile(proportion)].index
        worst_df = new_df[new_df["era"].isin(worst_eras)]
        print("performance over time")
        print("mean correlation")
        print("smart sharpe")
        model.n_estimators += trees_per_step
        booster = model.get_booster()
        print("fitting on worst eras")[features], worst_df["target"], xgb_model=booster)
    return model

boost_model = era_boost_train(train_features, train_targets["target_kazutsugi"], era_col=train_targets["era"], proportion=0.5, trees_per_step=10, num_iters=20)

Xgboost is still problematic run this way. Letā€™s modify @mdo 's code a bit:

def era_boost_train(X, y, era_col, proportion=0.5, trees_per_step=10, num_iters=200, one_shot=False, tree_method='gpu_hist', test_model=None, note=None):
    print(f"\n#### Era boost train with proportion {proportion:0.3f} ####\n")
    if note is not None:
    if one_shot:
        trees_per_step = trees_per_step * num_iters

    if test_model is None:
        print(f"Train {num_iters} iterations")
        print(f"Train {trees_per_step} rounds per iteration")
        print("Testing model performance")
    features = X.columns
    new_df = X.copy()
    new_df["target"] = y
    new_df["era"] = era_col
    for i in range(num_iters):
        print(f"\nIteration {i+1}:\n")
        if test_model is None:
            if i==0:
                model = XGBRegressor(max_depth=5, learning_rate=0.01, n_estimators=trees_per_step, n_jobs=-1, colsample_bytree=0.1, tree_method=tree_method)
      , y)
                model.n_estimators += trees_per_step
                booster = model.get_booster()
                print("fitting on worst eras")
      [features], worst_df["target"], xgb_model=booster)
            model = test_model
        # score each era
        print("predicting on train")
        preds = model.predict(X)
        new_df["pred"] = preds
        era_scores = pd.Series(index=new_df["era"].unique())
        print("getting per era scores")
        for era in new_df["era"].unique():
            era_df = new_df[new_df["era"] == era]
            era_scores[era] = spearmanr(era_df["pred"], era_df["target"])
        worst_eras = era_scores[era_scores <= era_scores.quantile(proportion)].index
        worst_df = new_df[new_df["era"].isin(worst_eras)]
        print("performance over time")
        print("mean correlation")
        print("smart sharpe")
    return model

Now we run it setting the proportion equal to one. The idea is that we should get the same results either training incrementally or training all at once for that particular proportion. Letā€™s look at in sample and out of sample results.

ifile = idir+"numerai_training_data.csv"
print(f"Read Numerai training data from {ifile}...")
df = pd.read_csv(ifile)
features = [c for c in df if c.startswith("feature")]
X = df[features]

note = "First create era boosted model."
boost_model_1 = era_boost_train(X, df["target_kazutsugi"], era_col=df["era"], proportion=1.0, trees_per_step=trees_per_step, num_iters=num_iters, note=note)
note = "Now create a regular model."
boost_model_2 = era_boost_train(X, df["target_kazutsugi"], era_col=df["era"], proportion=1.0, trees_per_step=trees_per_step, num_iters=num_iters, one_shot=True, note=note)

print("\nRead Numerai Tournament data...\n")
tfile = idir+"numerai_tournament_data.csv"
tdf = pd.read_csv(tfile).set_index("id")
tdf = tdf.loc[tdf['data_type'] == 'validation',].copy()
X = tdf[features]
note = "Look at out of sample for era-boosted model:"
era_boost_train(X, tdf["target_kazutsugi"], era_col=tdf["era"], proportion=1.0, trees_per_step=trees_per_step, num_iters=num_iters, one_shot=True, test_model=boost_model_1, note=note)
note = "Look at out of sample for regular model:"
era_boost_train(X, tdf["target_kazutsugi"], era_col=tdf["era"], proportion=1.0, trees_per_step=trees_per_step, num_iters=num_iters, one_shot=True, test_model=boost_model_2, note=note)

Now the results:

Read Numerai training data from ../input/ds_0208/numerai_training_data.csv...

#### Era boost train with proportion 1.000 ####

First create era boosted model.
Train 3 iterations
Train 10 rounds per iteration

Iteration 1:

predicting on train
getting per era scores
['era68', 'era103', 'era58', 'era91', 'era104', 'era60', 'era69', 'era41', 'era9', 'era42', 'era107', 'era110', 'era106', 'era19', 'era113', 'era119', 'era101', 'era73', 'era49', 'era66', 'era27', 'era85', 'era50', 'era74', 'era67', 'era89', 'era75', 'era57', 'era116', 'era70', 'era112', 'era21', 'era26', 'era46', 'era7', 'era18', 'era33', 'era40', 'era100', 'era59', 'era82', 'era32', 'era102', 'era79', 'era65', 'era31', 'era87', 'era118', 'era17', 'era84', 'era11', 'era62', 'era97', 'era80', 'era35', 'era28', 'era2', 'era55', 'era14', 'era3', 'era15', 'era114', 'era54', 'era34', 'era117', 'era43', 'era81', 'era88', 'era56', 'era44', 'era39', 'era111', 'era72', 'era24', 'era13', 'era37', 'era99', 'era45', 'era77', 'era98', 'era93', 'era25', 'era10', 'era71', 'era29', 'era61', 'era96', 'era51', 'era53', 'era78', 'era86', 'era38', 'era20', 'era63', 'era8', 'era5', 'era6', 'era95', 'era47', 'era94', 'era23', 'era52', 'era1', 'era4', 'era64', 'era30', 'era12', 'era108', 'era120', 'era92', 'era36', 'era48', 'era115', 'era90', 'era76', 'era22', 'era109', 'era83', 'era105', 'era16']
performance over time
mean correlation
smart sharpe

Iteration 2:

fitting on worst eras
predicting on train
getting per era scores
['era68', 'era103', 'era58', 'era91', 'era104', 'era60', 'era41', 'era69', 'era107', 'era66', 'era9', 'era42', 'era19', 'era106', 'era27', 'era49', 'era110', 'era85', 'era74', 'era101', 'era73', 'era113', 'era119', 'era67', 'era89', 'era75', 'era31', 'era7', 'era70', 'era40', 'era33', 'era50', 'era18', 'era79', 'era112', 'era100', 'era26', 'era57', 'era46', 'era116', 'era21', 'era59', 'era65', 'era82', 'era84', 'era55', 'era87', 'era32', 'era80', 'era118', 'era34', 'era2', 'era62', 'era114', 'era54', 'era17', 'era3', 'era35', 'era102', 'era111', 'era117', 'era11', 'era14', 'era15', 'era71', 'era25', 'era88', 'era81', 'era28', 'era37', 'era44', 'era97', 'era56', 'era98', 'era13', 'era24', 'era72', 'era51', 'era99', 'era43', 'era10', 'era45', 'era63', 'era78', 'era77', 'era39', 'era86', 'era29', 'era47', 'era93', 'era8', 'era61', 'era52', 'era6', 'era53', 'era20', 'era1', 'era38', 'era5', 'era94', 'era12', 'era96', 'era108', 'era23', 'era64', 'era90', 'era48', 'era120', 'era30', 'era95', 'era36', 'era115', 'era76', 'era92', 'era4', 'era22', 'era109', 'era16', 'era83', 'era105']
performance over time
mean correlation
smart sharpe

Iteration 3:

fitting on worst eras
predicting on train
getting per era scores
['era68', 'era103', 'era58', 'era91', 'era104', 'era60', 'era41', 'era69', 'era107', 'era66', 'era9', 'era106', 'era49', 'era27', 'era19', 'era42', 'era113', 'era85', 'era110', 'era89', 'era119', 'era101', 'era73', 'era31', 'era7', 'era67', 'era18', 'era33', 'era40', 'era100', 'era70', 'era46', 'era112', 'era26', 'era75', 'era74', 'era57', 'era84', 'era50', 'era116', 'era65', 'era21', 'era59', 'era79', 'era32', 'era80', 'era82', 'era34', 'era87', 'era55', 'era118', 'era25', 'era111', 'era62', 'era2', 'era114', 'era54', 'era35', 'era117', 'era3', 'era17', 'era15', 'era71', 'era88', 'era102', 'era81', 'era14', 'era11', 'era28', 'era97', 'era56', 'era37', 'era98', 'era44', 'era24', 'era1', 'era51', 'era13', 'era93', 'era43', 'era99', 'era29', 'era78', 'era47', 'era52', 'era72', 'era45', 'era10', 'era53', 'era39', 'era86', 'era77', 'era63', 'era8', 'era12', 'era61', 'era20', 'era94', 'era5', 'era6', 'era38', 'era90', 'era96', 'era23', 'era64', 'era48', 'era108', 'era36', 'era30', 'era115', 'era120', 'era22', 'era76', 'era92', 'era95', 'era109', 'era16', 'era4', 'era83', 'era105']
performance over time
mean correlation
smart sharpe

#### Era boost train with proportion 1.000 ####

Now create a regular model.
Train 1 iterations
Train 30 rounds per iteration

Iteration 1:

predicting on train
getting per era scores
['era68', 'era103', 'era91', 'era58', 'era41', 'era69', 'era104', 'era60', 'era66', 'era107', 'era49', 'era106', 'era27', 'era19', 'era9', 'era42', 'era113', 'era85', 'era119', 'era101', 'era110', 'era31', 'era73', 'era112', 'era67', 'era7', 'era26', 'era40', 'era84', 'era89', 'era50', 'era100', 'era46', 'era116', 'era65', 'era18', 'era33', 'era75', 'era32', 'era79', 'era21', 'era74', 'era70', 'era57', 'era59', 'era34', 'era25', 'era80', 'era87', 'era82', 'era118', 'era55', 'era111', 'era35', 'era71', 'era17', 'era62', 'era114', 'era117', 'era3', 'era14', 'era54', 'era2', 'era88', 'era15', 'era1', 'era37', 'era102', 'era28', 'era98', 'era97', 'era51', 'era24', 'era93', 'era81', 'era56', 'era47', 'era29', 'era78', 'era10', 'era44', 'era99', 'era11', 'era52', 'era12', 'era43', 'era20', 'era13', 'era77', 'era39', 'era45', 'era53', 'era94', 'era86', 'era72', 'era6', 'era61', 'era38', 'era63', 'era8', 'era96', 'era90', 'era5', 'era36', 'era115', 'era64', 'era23', 'era48', 'era22', 'era108', 'era30', 'era76', 'era120', 'era92', 'era95', 'era16', 'era109', 'era83', 'era4', 'era105']
performance over time
mean correlation
smart sharpe

Read Numerai Tournament data...

#### Era boost train with proportion 1.000 ####

Look at out of sample for era-boosted model:
Testing model performance

Iteration 1:

predicting on train
getting per era scores
['era127', 'era131', 'era121', 'era125', 'era126', 'era129', 'era130', 'era122', 'era124', 'era123', 'era128', 'era132']
performance over time
mean correlation
smart sharpe

#### Era boost train with proportion 1.000 ####

Look at out of sample for regular model:
Testing model performance

Iteration 1:

predicting on train
getting per era scores
['era127', 'era121', 'era126', 'era131', 'era125', 'era129', 'era122', 'era130', 'era123', 'era124', 'era128', 'era132']
performance over time
mean correlation
smart sharpe

So you see: In sample, trained incrementally, with exactly the same data, xgboost generates extra sharpe (no cheese). Out of sample the regularly trained xgboost performs better. One should be really careful using xgboost this way.


Hmmm, interesting, but those differences arenā€™t big enough to convince me that this isnā€™t just differences in how random seeds are used to select variables for the trees when training incrementally vs all in one go. When restarting training 3 times vs only once I could see how things could easily come out a bit different depending on exactly how things are implemented. I actually find your test a bit reassuring that things arenā€™t completely broken when training like this with xgboost.

I am able to achieve similar results using neural networks with a custom loss function which adds to the mean squared error the squared standard deviation of absolute feature correlation coefficient with predictions

corr_coefs=[ā€¦] #310 correlation coefficients with y_pred

mse= mean(square(y_pred - y_true)
correlation_penalty= square(std(abs(corr_coefs)))
loss= mse + correlation_penalty

in sample results



I made few tests with catboost but it seems after sufficient amount of trees it will end up with high sharpe ratio on training data anyway, even without messing with train data in between the training process.


After playing a bit with validation 2 dataset and realizing how bad are my models (itā€™s already shown by the live data but I was refusing to accept the reality), Iā€™ve been trying different approaches, one of them focused on decreasing meta-model correlation and another one trying to improve correlation across eras while reducing feature exposure.

Base model

Train avg 0.09118565453972223, sharpe 2.61238059500593
Val1 avg 0.08252843111050458, sharpe 3.173499533551588
Val2 avg 0.008812162895404011, sharpe 0.28613703839300464

Feature exposure 0.08264085332303439

While validation 2 average correlation across eras was still positive, the sharpe ratio was a disaster, thatā€™s why Iā€™ve been trying to improve it using a different approach to the shown here but with quite similar results. Also, there is a group of features highly correlated with the predictions!

Improved model

After trying to reduce the correlation between features and predictions I ended with a model that looks better.

Train avg 0.17071569939420486, sharpe 7.353940587005201
Val1 avg 0.16559936247951454, sharpe 8.009380660205698
Val2 avg 0.011188128720098198, sharpe 0.6254681270125086

Feature exposure 0.060100944750934554

The next step will be trying to include neutralization but Iā€™m doubting between prediction neutralization and label neutralization, which do you think would be a better approach?


Is this step necessary? This will result in increased number of tress as the iterations increase. Do we actually want that?
Also please help me understand how .fit() works incrementally. In each iteration, we fit a new set of boosters by passing the earlier model, we also pass new (X, y) but will it also consider the weights of instances from previous model or the instance weights will start afresh again?

Because warm_start is True the model will build ā€œtrees_per_stepā€ new trees per step and add them to the existing trees. The new trees built will only look at the data in (X,y) and will therefore be different and help to fit those eras.

Because of warm_start I think the weights are being stored and improved upon but could be that the old weights on examples are ignored for the new trees because (X,y) is different.


By label Neutralization, you mean first Neutralize ā€˜target_kazutsugiā€™ and train unlike the one in example scripts which neutralizes the predictions?

Iā€™ve been trying the era boosting for a bit, but I canā€™t really seem to get meaningful out of sample performance. While score on the training data goes up almost linearly (as far as Iā€™ve seen) the validation correlation doesnā€™t seem to improve much if at all. Iā€™m admittedly not an expert and just playing around, but it really seems to me that itā€™s just overfitting. These are my current results after ~20 rounds, the ā€œtimeā€ in the right plot is just the number of boosting iterations and the score is the average of the pearson correlation.

[Edit] I just finished running it for 50 rounds, and the results seem to be the same:


0.025 correlation on validation is meaningful :slightly_smiling_face:

My experience with era boosting is that you tend to have more consistency (more good eras out of sample). From your results here, it looks like thatā€™s true in your 20 round run only a few eras with negative performance? I think thatā€™s better than the example predictions which doesnā€™t use era boosting isnā€™t it?


Iā€™m new to numerai and to datascience in general but a few questions came up as I saw this notebook in the example scripts folder.

My intuition tells me that era boosting will create the same problem as a heavily weighted feature. the problem is risk metrics used by numerai look for over-exposed features but I donā€™t think theyā€™ll pick up on over-exposed eras, so maybe thatā€™s why your corr is going up without an proportional increase in risk. Interested in what others think.

1 Like

To me, era boosting looks like a way to follow a specific method of overfitting. This problem has a host of answers, and to the extent that people use the same methodology to arrive at their answer, their answers are probably similar. People have contended that this is the best way, Iā€™ve personally never used it, and donā€™t really see the need to. I like at least some originality :wink:


I have so many questionsā€¦

I am going at this project by creating a NN with TensorFlow. My first model is just a simple NN across the data without anything special. My second model I want to use the eras as a guiding light. My original thought was to find the X closes eras to the live era and then train a smaller NN on those. But, I feel like I am assuming that my model expects history to repeat itself in the market and I am not sure that is how I want to go.

Anyway, for your model (if you want to give a beginner help), can you explain how you are able to get the eras to train on their own? I thought about doing a version of transfer learning where I would train on the eras closes to live but then also add back in the other eras and give them a few epochs.

Try training on the broad data, like the simple NN model you mention, and then see which eras give a high Spearman correlation to your NN, and which donā€™t. Divide the eras into high scoring ones and low scoring ones, and then train different nets on each, as well as a discrimination function that can accurately (somewhat) assign an arbitrary era to its proper pile. Rinse and repeat until you have a few different subnets each trained in their own subgroups (which may overlap a bit) along with the associated discrimination functions. Just be careful not to overfit (too many subnets=inability to generalize).

That general approach seems to be giving me the best results, Iā€™m new myself (My first submitted model just completed its first round, rather but not completely abysmally, so Iā€™m feeling :+1:).

FWIW, I donā€™t do NNs, just plain old math and stats, so my vocabulary may be a bit awkward.

1 Like

Regarding the discrimination function that can assign an arbitrary era to its proper pile, Iā€™ve been struggling trying to find similarities among eras. So far Iā€™ve tried this technique [numerai] metric learning and 'live' era | Kaggle and also a simple per era PCA reduction to 2 components and average all rows for each era (last one was specially not successful).

Bor also shared info to cluster eras a while ago Office Hours with Arbitrage #5. Bor shares his analysis of Numerai dataā€¦ | by Anthony Mandelli | Numerai | Medium

Any other interesting approaches?


Right now Iā€™m using the sine of the principal angle between subspaces based on somewhere between 3 and 9 PCA coefficients. Iā€™ve got a search running right now on that, as well as several other parameters, so I wonā€™t know until later today (I put it in last night, and it still has a couple of hours to go. :crossed_fingers: thereā€™s no power failures).

I put a brief thread up on Rocket Chat about how Iā€™m approaching this, and if I get something useful Iā€™ll write it up. But basically I use Gaussian mixture models based on those subspaces to separate different era regimes.

I did try various methods using PCA to invert the era data directly to targets, usually keeping ~90-95% of the variance, which means around 100+ coefficients. In the forward problem (calculating weights) it takes a while, but for the inverse problem (using weights to estimate targets) itā€™s very quick. And as those weights donā€™t change (they come from the training data, which doesnā€™t change usually from round to round), carrying out the predictions is pretty fast. I think it actually takes longer to write out the csv file than it does to do the inversions :slight_smile:

ETA: re the principle angles:

Itā€™s the kind of thing I like; it was invented in 1875. But I donā€™t do the calculations myself, I use MatLabā€™s ā€œsubspaceā€ routine.

On the PCA front ā€“ I did get something unexpected w/r to how many coefficients to use for the subspace weighting; it looks like I should have extended my search out further. I had set it to use from 3 to 9 coefficients, expecting it to fall off quickly as that part of the system became over determined. But it looks like I may have been wrong. The plot below shows the distribution of the number of coefficients used to determine the principle angle among the top quarter (42) of the (168) model results.

Certainly 4 and five turned out to be popular, but from 7 to 9 things look to be making a good run of it. Will 10, 11, 12 (or higher) finish in the money? Stay tuned :tv:

Personally, I think that the result is probably due to using soft class membership rather than hard; I had to pick the top twelve models to replace the poorly performing ones I put in last month, and they all used soft membership.