Faster data loading with datatable

Hey. I’m just starting, and I thought sharing this was something useful.
Here is the code of an enhanced read_csv function, which is a lot faster when memory='high' is set.
The top consumption for both training and tournament data was almost 9GiB (including my system).

import csv
import datatable
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import psutil

# Read the csv file into a pandas Dataframe as float16 to save space
def read_csv(file_path, memory="high"):
    if memory == "high":
        csv_datatable = datatable.fread(file_path)
        dtypes = {
            x: np.float16
            for x in csv_datatable.names
            if x.startswith(("feature", "target"))
        df = csv_datatable.to_pandas().astype(dtypes)
        print('Top used RAM')
        del csv_datatable
        with open(file_path, "r") as f:
            column_names = next(csv.reader(f))
        if memory == "medium":
            dtypes = {
                x: np.float16
                for x in column_names
                if x.startswith(("feature", "target"))
            df = pd.read_csv(file_path, dtype=dtypes, index_col=0)
        elif memory == "low":
            dtypes = {f"target": np.float16}
            to_uint8 = lambda x: np.uint8(float(x) * 4)
            converters = {x: to_uint8 for x in column_names if x.startswith("feature")}
            df = pd.read_csv(file_path, dtype=dtypes, converters=converters)
            raise ValueError('memory parameter not in ["high", "medium", "low"]')
    return df

def print_used_ram():
    vm = psutil.virtual_memory()
    used = ( - vm.available) / 1024**3
    print(f'Used RAM: {used} GiB')
    return used 

def main():
    u1 = print_used_ram()
    print("Loading data...")
    # The training data is used to train your model how to predict the targets.
    training_data = read_csv("numerai_training_data.csv")
    print('Loaded training data')
    u2 = print_used_ram()
    # The tournament data is the data that Numerai uses to evaluate your model.
    tournament_data = read_csv("numerai_tournament_data.csv")
    print('Loaded tournament data')
    u3 = print_used_ram()

    feature_names = [f for f in training_data.columns if f.startswith("feature")]
    print(f"Loaded {len(feature_names)} features")

if __name__ == "__main__":

I want to create a pretty serious pipeline, so I can iterate properly. I’ve seen many great posts, but any github repo with that pipeline would be appreciated. If you don’t have one, I’ll share it soon. Hopefully we can improve the pipeline together and focus on modeling. Cheers


Thanks for this. I had errors with high when the datatable was used, which turned out to be because to_pandas() was adding its own id column, giving 314 columns rather than 313. I found a set_index() method that solves this, so the relevant line becomes:

df = csv_datatable.to_pandas().astype(dtypes).set_index("id")

Placement before astype() will also work.


I use cudf for this:

import cudf as cd


you need a gpu though


I recommend pickling as well if using a modern python. My csv reader checks for a pickled version first, and creates one if none exists. Once pickled, loading the training and tournament data only takes around 5 seconds total off a fast SSD, giving a welcome saving over other methods.


You’re right! thanks for the enhancing

The advice to pickle instead of saving as a CSV was super helpful and shaved a lot of time off my data processing pipeline.

I’ve also found that using the dask package for initial reading and processing of the CSVs (I like to make a single dataset with the training and validation eras combined) is considerably faster than trying to use pd.read_csv as an iterable (my earlier approach).

import dask.dataframe as dd
tourn_iter_csv = dd.read_csv(tourn_file)
tmp_df_tourn = tourn_iter_csv[tourn_iter_csv['data_type'] == 'validation']
tmp_df_train = dd.read_csv(train_file)
training_data = dd.concat([tmp_df_train, tmp_df_tourn])
training_data = training_data.compute()
training_data.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)


Glad that helped. joblib is also popular so I tried that too, but files were twice the size so loading took twice as long. For cases where there wasn’t already a to_pickle() style function, I added these functions to a helper file for an easy interface. Path is from pathlib.

def has_pickle(path):
    return Path(path).is_file()

def read_pickle(path, default=None):
    res = default

    if has_pickle(path):
        with open(path, 'rb') as f:
            res = pickle.load(f)

    return res

def write_pickle(data, path):
    with open(path, 'wb') as f:
        pickle.dump(data, f)
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