How gpt change us?

I am curious how the recent evolution of gpt will change our investment game. Using gpt to generate python code? Any other interesting thought?


GPT has undoubtedly increased my productivity. I’m mainly using it to help me with coding. Its especially helpful at creating matplotlib and seaborn plots, for which I have never acquired more cursory master of. Just being able to copy and paste an error message into chatgpt and get a solution less than a minute is a game changer. With the new plugins coming it will be really interesting to play with the numerai dataset inside the chat.


How gpt change us?

We should ask the question to GPT


any suggestion to leverage chatGPT to get better result on numerai ?

As a language model, ChatGPT is primarily designed to generate human-like responses based on given prompts or inputs. While it can process and analyze textual data related to financial markets, it may not have specific expertise in trading strategies or financial modeling.

However, if you are interested in using ChatGPT to improve your performance on Numerai, you could consider using it to analyze market news, trends, and sentiment, which could provide useful insights for developing trading algorithms. You could also use ChatGPT to generate text summaries of financial data and reports, which could help you quickly identify key information and make informed decisions.

In addition, you could potentially use ChatGPT to assist in the development of trading algorithms by generating ideas for new features or indicators, or by suggesting potential correlations or patterns in market data that may not be immediately apparent. However, it is important to note that any trading strategies should be thoroughly tested and validated using historical data before being used in live trading.


Big tip here: if you’re out there and you’re using chatgpt then youve probably noticed that it doesn’t know much about Numerai and cant provide much help… but if you have the piad version then it can access the internet and get up-to-date information and can provide more relevant help.