Notebook to visualize historic model performance and see effect of different MMC multipliers and payout factors

The compare model graphs on our user pages are really helpful for getting an idea of how our models are performing. But they only show cumulative scores, so we don’t see the compounding effect. Also, we don’t see the combined performance of our stake on CORR and MMC, as there is no option to plot CORR+MMC. To bridge this gap I made a notebook to do all of the above.

You can tabualise how your model is performing like so:

pc.tabualise_performance(model_name="ml_is_lyf", start_round=251, include_unresolved_rounds=True)
roundNumber correlation mmc mmcMultiplier roundPayoutFactor roundResolved roundPerformance performance
251 0.021753 0.005382 0.0 1.000000 True 0.021753 1.021753
252 0.001437 -0.007038 0.0 1.000000 True 0.001437 1.023190
253 0.045462 0.014470 0.0 1.000000 True 0.045462 1.068652
254 0.109404 0.018124 0.0 1.000000 True 0.109404 1.178056
255 0.090115 0.005993 0.0 1.000000 True 0.090115 1.270132
256 0.091006 0.013482 0.0 1.000000 True 0.091006 1.363248
257 0.133398 0.006555 1.0 1.000000 True 0.139953 1.512809
258 0.079414 0.011544 1.0 0.994762 True 0.090481 1.619401
259 0.034874 0.023977 1.0 0.922645 True 0.054298 1.688367
260 0.017037 0.016032 2.0 0.922092 False 0.045277 1.750091
261 0.000008 0.020641 2.0 0.827971 False 0.034187 1.801810
262 0.031496 0.018036 2.0 0.805855 False 0.054450 1.889985
263 0.018071 0.008058 2.0 0.769843 False 0.026318 1.934420

The data is fetched from NumerAPI, except I calculate roundPerformance and performance in the code using the other columns.

For each round,

roundPerformance = (correlation + mmc * mmcMultiplier) * payoutFactor

and is clipped to the bounds -0.25 and 0.25. So it is the score that is used to calculate our stake return.

Performance is calculated in the same way as 3 month and 1 year return on the leaderboard, we assume a lump sum starting stake of 1, we then calculate how this stake changes over the rounds. The performance for any given round is

performance = peformanceFourRoundAgo * roundPerformance + performanceLastRound

If fourRoundsAgo is less than start_round, peformanceFourRoundAgo is taken as 1, as this is the starting stake, and similar applies for performanceLastRound.

Interestingly I noticed it looks like the 3 month and 1 year return on the leaderboard are not taking into consideration the roundPayoutFactor. I realized this as round 263 was my first round of seeing my 3 month returns on the leaderboard, and round 251 was my first staked round. But my 3 month return for ml_is_lyf on the leaderboard is 99.2%, and my performance for round 263 calculated above is 1.934420, which is a 93.4420% return. But you’ll notice if I set all the roundPayoutFactor to 1 (as if there was no payout factor) as I do below, then my calculated return is the same as on the leaderboard, with a performance of 1.991507, which is a 99.1507% 3-month return. I’ll make a separate feedback post about this issue.

pc.tabualise_performance(model_name="ml_is_lyf", start_round=251, include_unresolved_rounds=True, payout_factor=1)
roundNumber correlation mmc mmcMultiplier roundPayoutFactor roundResolved roundPerformance performance
251 0.021753 0.005382 0.0 1 True 0.021753 1.021753
252 0.001437 -0.007038 0.0 1 True 0.001437 1.023190
253 0.045462 0.014470 0.0 1 True 0.045462 1.068652
254 0.109404 0.018124 0.0 1 True 0.109404 1.178056
255 0.090115 0.005993 0.0 1 True 0.090115 1.270132
256 0.091006 0.013482 0.0 1 True 0.091006 1.363248
257 0.133398 0.006555 1.0 1 True 0.139953 1.512809
258 0.079414 0.011544 1.0 1 True 0.090958 1.619963
259 0.034874 0.023977 1.0 1 True 0.058851 1.694711
260 0.017037 0.016032 2.0 1 False 0.049102 1.761649
261 0.000008 0.020641 2.0 1 False 0.041291 1.824114
262 0.031496 0.018036 2.0 1 False 0.067567 1.933570
263 0.018071 0.008058 2.0 1 False 0.034187 1.991507

Aside from that slight digression. I also added functionality to allow you to override your historic mmcMulitplier, for example here I override mine as 2 for all rounds:

pc.tabualise_performance(model_name="ml_is_lyf", start_round=251, include_unresolved_rounds=True, mmc_multiplier=2)
roundNumber correlation mmc mmcMultiplier roundPayoutFactor roundResolved roundPerformance performance
251 0.021753 0.005382 2 1.000000 True 0.032517 1.032517
252 0.001437 -0.007038 2 1.000000 True -0.012638 1.019879
253 0.045462 0.014470 2 1.000000 True 0.074403 1.094282
254 0.109404 0.018124 2 1.000000 True 0.145653 1.239935
255 0.090115 0.005993 2 1.000000 True 0.102101 1.345355
256 0.091006 0.013482 2 1.000000 True 0.117970 1.465670
257 0.133398 0.006555 2 1.000000 True 0.146508 1.625991
258 0.079414 0.011544 2 0.994762 True 0.101965 1.752421
259 0.034874 0.023977 2 0.922645 True 0.076420 1.855233
260 0.017037 0.016032 2 0.922092 False 0.045277 1.921594
261 0.000008 0.020641 2 0.827971 False 0.034187 1.977182
262 0.031496 0.018036 2 0.805855 False 0.054450 2.072601
263 0.018071 0.008058 2 0.769843 False 0.026318 2.121427

This should help users better understand whether they would benefit from staking on MMC (of course past performance does not necessarily indicate future performance though, so don’t totally rely on this to decide). For instance, as you can see from the above, if I’d staked on 2x MMC from the beginning I would have a 112.1427% 3-month return, so at least for the moment, it seems switching to 2x MMC was a good call for me.

You can also plot performance for multiple models like so:

# Replace this list of model_names with the model_names you want to plot
model_names = ["ml_is_lyf", "ml_is_lyf_1", "ml_is_lyf_2", "ml_is_lyf_3", "ml_is_lyf_4"]
pc.plot_performance(model_names, start_round=251, include_unresolved_rounds=True)


Note that the roundPerformance of a model that didn’t submit in a given round is 0, hence if you have models that started submitting later like I do, then their performance is 1 until their first submission as the below table shows.

roundNumber ml_is_lyf ml_is_lyf_1 ml_is_lyf_2 ml_is_lyf_3 ml_is_lyf_4
251 1.021753 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
252 1.023190 1.019722 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
253 1.068652 1.055539 1.056875 1.050942 1.049340
254 1.178056 1.162888 1.148465 1.151440 1.181595
255 1.270132 1.264500 1.236276 1.232669 1.287270
256 1.363248 1.355706 1.313295 1.304228 1.378816
257 1.512809 1.507501 1.413956 1.407881 1.552366
258 1.619401 1.605970 1.528384 1.470967 1.641629
259 1.688367 1.662180 1.553643 1.501384 1.695785
260 1.750091 1.724341 1.596503 1.528973 1.704174
261 1.801810 1.770446 1.648185 1.562138 1.742399
262 1.889985 1.834763 1.737652 1.663298 1.798643
263 1.934420 1.871560 1.775585 1.709448 1.822666

And you can also override their MMC multipliers like discussed for tabualise:

pc.plot_performance(model_names, start_round=251, include_unresolved_rounds=True, mmc_multiplier=2)


Or even just for individual models if you want:

pc.plot_performance(model_names, start_round=251, include_unresolved_rounds=True, mmc_multiplier={"ml_is_lyf_4": 2})


The payout factor argument also helps you understand how smaller payout factors in the future will affect your model. For instance, if I set it to 3/12, then I can see what the last 3 months would have looked like if there was 1.2 million NMR staked.

pc.plot_performance(model_names, start_round=251, include_unresolved_rounds=True, payout_factor=3/12)


That’s a very thorough explanation of what you can do with the notebook, but I’ve also added docstrings to the methods too which should explain what the arguments are doing further.


I’ve created a separate post about the issue with leaderboard returns

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@ml_is_lyf very nice post and definitely helpful for analysis and such, i would think this would be a nice feature that could also be integrated into the website models page for example.

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v2UserProfile got deprecated a few weeks back which broke the old code, I’ve now updated the code to use v3UserProfile

yes, there were some changes here and there, interestingly enough the other endpoints are still named ‘v2’ which makes it a bit confusing for new people starting to work with the api. I am working on a more complete pbi dashboard which contains a lot of information, not only for selected models but a more complete overview of the classic tournament. Will take some time though before its there :slight_smile:

btw v2userprofile is still being used, for example at the Models page in numerai

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