[Proposal]: Incentivized submissions for a greater reach (on 1729.com)

Shouldn’t the VCs or Numerai marketing department be working on these types of initiatives directly? Why punt them to the CoE?

1729 is from balajis. He has tweeted every task posted on 1729.

we can individually contact and convince everyone or let the network effect does it’s job. This is something worth at least trying.

I wanted to test it privately with my funds initially before putting this for funds in front of the CoE. This is a complete worked upon proposal ready to be published, but I was short of funds so with council’s suggestion I have put this here as a proposal. If the council is not happy with this, I am happy to withdraw the proposal.

I agree. Can other uses of NMR be identified that would accelerate adoption for purposes completely orthogonal to the tournament(s)? Even the proposal to support borrowing on AAVE packs more NMR into the tournament, further reducing the payout factor.

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Interesting perspectives all around. Lending on Aave could have the effect that some of the biggest stakers decide to unstake a portion of their bags and move it to Aave to get risk-free interest. It will depend on the interest rate that the top borrowers will be willing to accept based on the confidence in their models. If the market was perfect, worse modelers would lend, better modelers would borrow and we would optimize the distribution of the staked NMR

But with respect to encouraging new user participation, fundamentally for long term health of Numerai, new better modelers would constantly be arriving, while worse modelers exit. Stagnation with just the current user pool because it’s too hard to break in doesn’t seem healthy for any of us, even if the payout slowly (hopefully) decreases. It definitely means that we’ll have to think about how much it’s worth paying for new users given there are also drawbacks.

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Now I have seen some absolutely crazy stuff on defi that I have no idea how it works, e.g., self-paying loans. But for all but the most exotic of these products costs will be incurred for borrowing. Will new users be attracted when they see negative ROIs with their good correlation scores crushed by the payout factor and having to pay for their NMR loans?