Signal Miner: Find Unique Alpha & Beat the Benchmark
Revolutionizing Staking: Aligning users and the fund through unique models.
What is Signal Miner?
Signal Miner is a fully automated model mining framework designed to generate models that outperform Numerai’s benchmark models in terms of correlation and Sharpe ratio. Instead of staking on pre-existing models, this tool helps you discover your own unique alpha, which has a better chance of producing positive MMC (Meta Model Contribution).
Why use Signal Miner?
- Unique Alpha: Avoids the trap of staking on common, overused models.
- Better Payouts: Unique signals increase your expected returns compared to generic staking.
- Automated Discovery: Efficiently scans a search space for high-performance models using a scalable, asynchronous approach.
Quick Start: Install & Run
Clone the repo and set up your environment. Instructions available at Github project.
How It Works
The core workflow:
- Define a Benchmark Model: This is what your models will aim to outperform.
- Launch Model Mining: Explore a grid of hyperparameters asynchronously.
- Monitor Performance: Track model evaluations across cross-validation folds.
- Compare to the Benchmark: Identify models that exceed performance thresholds.
- Export Winning Models: Save the best models for staking or further tuning.
Defining a Benchmark Model
benchmark_cfg = {
"colsample_bytree": 0.1,
"max_bin": 5,
"max_depth": 5,
"num_leaves": 15,
"min_child_samples": 20,
"n_estimators": 2000,
"reg_lambda": 0.0,
"learning_rate": 0.01,
"target": 'target' # Using the first target for simplicity
Launch Mining
Once mining is started, models will be trained and evaluated in the background.
Check Progress Anytime:
Progress: 122.0/2002 (6.09%)
Visualizing Cross-Validation Splits
To ensure proper evaluation, the framework implements time-series cross-validation with an embargo period:
Here, training and test sets are sequentially split to mimic live trading conditions—a crucial step for avoiding data leakage.
Mining Results: Past vs. Future Performance
Since yesterday, I’ve been running Signal Miner to evaluate 70+ models out of 1000, and we already see many models outperforming the benchmark on both validation and test datasets.
Below is a scatter plot showing how models that performed well in validation (past) also tended to do well in test (future).
Sharpe Ratio: Validation vs. Test
Key Insights:
- The red dot represents the benchmark model.
- While the top validation model wasn’t the best in test, we found several models that outperformed the benchmark in both.
- Positive Correlation: The best validation models tended to be among the best in test as well.
- If the scatter plot looked random (a cloud of points), it would suggest the model selection process is noise—but instead, we see a clear upward trend.
Goal: Find a model that beats the benchmark in both correlation & Sharpe ratio. Still mining!
Scaling Behavior
This entire process can be viewed as a function of the number of trees in the search space.
For this experiment, I set n_estimators=2000—but early results suggest that increasing this value improves overall performance.
This hints at a scaling law, an idea that has come up in community discussions before.
Join the Experiment!
This is an open-source project, and everyone is welcome to:
Run their own mining experiments
Contribute improvements (PRs welcome!)
Share results & insights
Ready to try? Head over to Signal Miner on GitHub and start mining unique alpha today!
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