Updated Signals Ticker Map

The Signals ticker map has been updated! Many Yahoo tickers were corrected, and the tickers listed now matches the current Signals universe.

Grab the file here: https://numerai-signals-public-data.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/signals_ticker_map_w_bbg.csv

This ticker map will be updated every week at round open to have all of the tickers in the latest Signals universe.

Note: There are 51 tickers in the file which haven’t been mapped to Yahoo tickers, and have NaNs in their column. We’ll have a fix out for this soon.


Hi, is this mapping still updated on a weekly basis? I am asking because I see some mappings that don’t work (e.g. ticker “META” → yahoo “FB”).

Hi @ark and @master_key is this Signals ticker map file still maintained and updated weekly? Cheers.

Although it’s still listed in the dataset API, the file is technically deprecated and may be removed in the future. I would try to avoid using it if possible.

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