[Updates] NumerBay - The Community Marketplace

2021-08-22 — 2021-08-29:

  • Feature Release: UI improvements. Now you can sort and filter products by rank/rep/return/stake. Products are sorted by rank by default. Scores are updated Wed-Sun 00:00 UTC.
  • Backend job scheduler based on Celery
  • Various fixes and improvements
  • Workplan is now moved to post #2.
  • Next week to focus on NMR payment with Numerai wallets and order/sales management.

Total Estimated Hours: 268
Recorded hours balance: 36.5 (1277.5 USD ~= 30 NMR at the time of writing)
Cumulative Recorded Hours: 226

PS: Please join the #numerbay channel on RocketChat for future dev updates and discussions.