[Updates] NumerBay - The Community Marketplace

Hi CoE and everyone interested in NumerBay,

The original NumerBay proposal has become too long to navigate, so I’m starting this new one to post exclusively about updates to the project.

In addition, I’m testing out the Wiki function to allow anyone to add feature requests.

Thanks for your support.


Using this wiki post for workplans instead. Post #3 is too old and locked for edits by the system.

Module Feature/Task isOpen Est. Hrs. Recorded Hrs. Completion
Project Tech stack evaluation - 2 2 Y
Project scaffolding and local dev env setup - 2 2 Y
Local rapid frontend prototyping and designs - 12 15 Y
Backend-Seller Data schema, model, profile and authentication API - 3 4.5 Y
Authentication with Metamask Integration - 4 4 Y
Seller onboarding and model ownership verification API - 8 4 Y
API tests - 5 3 Y
Frontend-Seller User Middleware - 5 6 Y
Authentication with Metamask Integration - 11 11 Y
User Code Refactoring - 2 4 Y
Seller profile UI - 2 2.5 Y
Seller listing / model verification UI - 5 4 Y
Frontend integration test 4 4.5 Y
Backend-Listing Data schema and model - 4 8 Y
Listing details and Numerai integration - 4 5 Y
API tests - 5 5 Y
Frontend-Listing Product Middleware - 6 6.5 Y
Numerai Middleware - 3 3 Y
Product Code Refactoring - 1 2 Y
Home Page UI - 2 3 Y
Listing Catalog UI - 4 6 Y
Listing details UI - 8 10 Y
Listing creation UI (Gumroad off platform) - 5 7 Y
Listing creation UI (on platform) 5 6.5 Y
UI Enhancements (Search, filter, sort, etc.) - 10 14 Y
Backend-Buyer Data schema, model, profile and authentication API - 2 2 Y
API tests - 5 2.5 Y
Frontend-Buyer Purchase Middleware - 8 2 Y
Buyer profile UI - 2
Buyer purchases UI - 4 1 Y
Payment-Crypto Evaluate crypto payment solutions - 10 2
Backend-Submission Seller submission API - 3 6 Y
Submission file storage, access control and retention policy - 4 5 Y
Email and other forms of notications to both parties - 5 8 Y
Live score monitoring and model consistency check - 4
CI/CD Docker Compose Setup - 2 4 Y
Set up GitHub Actions for CI/CD - 8 7 Y
GCP Compute, Swarm Cluster and Proxy Setup 5 5 Y
GCP Secrets and Setup - 2 2 Y
SSH Setup - 2 2 Y
DNS and Cloudflare Setup 2 2 Y
Staging deployment experiment 7 7 Y
SSL Cert - 2 2 Y
Application Secrets and Setup - 3 4 Y
Cloud deployment of Minimum Viable Product - 2 2 Y
Write development guide - 2 1 Y
Code Clean-up 4 4 Y
[Interim Code Release]
[Start Accepting GitHub Contributions from This Point On]
Backend-OnPlatform Auction and order book API [Tentative] 8
Data schema and model - 4 6 Y
Transaction API - 10 6 Y
Numerai account and stake monitoring - 5 7 Y
Stake mode 15 8 Y
Automated job queue for submissions and delivery - 8 9 Y
API tests - 12 8 Y
Frontend-OnPlatform Auction UI [Tentative] 4
Purchase and Payment UI - 15 16.5 Y
Scheduling for Numerai data - 12 24 Y
Artifact Middleware 7 5 Y
Upload Artifact UI 15 19 Y
Order and Sales Management 8 8.5 Y
Stake mode UI 12 10.5 Y
Frontend integration test 8 3
Payment-Crypto NMR collateral for buyers and sellers for stake-mode sales [Open]
Erasure support for buyer stake enforcement [Open]
Erasure support for seller model verification enforcement [Open]
MetaMask Payment 19
Backend-Reputation Data schema and model - 5 1
Repuration and review APIs - 6 2
API tests - 4 3
Frontend-Reputation Buyer order review UI - 8 5 Y
Review Middleware - 5 2
Seller reputation UI - 3
Backend-Subscription Data schema and model - 3 2 Y
Subscription APIs - 8 9.5 Y
API tests - 5 3 Y
Frontend-Subscription Subscription listing UI - 14 14 Y
Subscription checkout UI - 15 15 Y
Backend-Voting Data schema and model - 4 5 Y
Voting APIs - 12 21 Y
API tests - 4 9 Y
Frontend-Voting Voting Creation UI - 12 10 Y
Voting UI - 12 9 Y
Backend-Coupon Data schema and model - 3 2 Y
Coupon APIs - 12 13 Y
API tests - 4 7 Y
Frontend-Coupon Coupon Creation UI - 12 14.5 Y
Coupon UI - 10 11 Y
Other Maintenance, Issue Fixes, Ad hoc feature requests - 506
Documentation 45 47
Mobile UI Optimization 7 7 Y
Wishlist 7 5 Y
Python Client 16 16 Y
NumerBlox Integration 15 12
Webhook 5 6 Y
Signals Data Support 5 3.5
Community Pages 4
Theme-V2 Setup Theme Build 16 16 Y
Feature Parity: Home & Auth 5 6 Y
Feature Parity: Category & Listing 21 21.5 Y
Feature Parity: Checkout 9 7.5 Y
Feature Parity: Profile & Orders 10 9.5 Y
Feature Parity: Listing 18 16 Y
Feature Parity: Artifacts 12 11 Y
Feature Parity: Form Validation 6 5.5 Y
Feature Parity: Notification 2 1.5 Y
Feature Parity: Advanced filtering 6 6 Y
Feature Parity: Others 17 Y
Optimization 15.5
Code Clean-up 5
Build, Test and Deployment 8.5 8.5 Y
Decentralization-P1 Preliminary research 5 5 Y
Per-order artifact backend and tests 8 6 Y
Per-order artifact submission to Numerai and tests 8 4.5 Y
Client-side file encryption and decryption - 10 10.5 Y
Batch artifact upload UI 24 29 Y
Key pair generation UI 5 3 Y
Python Client Encryption/Decryption 16 9.5 Y
Encryption Documentation 5 5 Y

2021-07-15 — 2021-07-17:
Sneak Peek:

  • Completed framework setup and base e-commerce frontend boilerplating.
  • Updated workplans, prioritized off-platform (Gumroad) integration and CI/CD, which would allow earlier release of code, more collaborations and earlier deployment of minimum viable product.
  • Revised some estimated hours based on recent work. Changes/additions to the workplans are in bold.

2021-07-18 — 2021-07-25:
Sneak Peek:

  • User will be able to login through Metamask (and potentially other providers) by signing a backend generated nonce, paving the way for crypto payment functionality
  • Completed generic user module (both frontend and backend), product listing UI is in-progress
  • Updated workplans and time estimates. Changes are in bold. Deprioritized buyer specific stuff as they are not yet necessary for 3rd party platform listings.
  • Next week to focus on seller onboarding and product related UI, middleware and backend.

Total Estimated Hours: 162
Recorded Hours Balance: 29 [For CoE: Recorded hours balance: 29 (1015 USD ~= 30 NMR at the time of writing) + 202.69 USD for domain name ~=6 NMR ==> 36 NMR in total]
Cumulative Recorded Hours: 51


36NMR sent to your wallet. Keep up the good work!. tx hash: 0x82baf977cc190a8f73bb6a538f3c54785b296d91f5ff005d2c54a886cdbbc557


2021-07-26 — 2021-08-01:
Sneak Peek:

  • NumerBay verifies sellers’ model ownership by requiring Numerai API key with minimal permissions
  • Completed generic off-platform product listing module (both frontend and backend). NumerBay is able to pull model performance information from Numerai.
  • Updated workplans and time estimates. Changes are in bold (See post #3).
  • Next week to explore Gumroad integration and start working towards interim code release and preview deployment.

Total Estimated Hours: 170
Recorded hours balance: 36.5 (1277.5 USD ~= 33 NMR at the time of writing)
Cumulative Recorded Hours: 87.5

PS: Post #2 is a wiki post that everyone can edit, post your feature request there! :slight_smile:


This looks great! Thanks for taking iniciative!


2021-08-01 — 2021-08-08:
Sneak Peek:

  • Tests, builds and deployments will be automated. An automated live deployment experiment has been conducted.
  • Added home page, added rich-text editor for product listing, made some other usability improvements. Deprioritized gumroad-specific integration in favor of preparations for release.
  • Updated workplans and time estimates. Changes are in bold (See post #3).
  • Next week to release code on GitHub and roll out an interim live deployment of NumerBay by Aug 15 @ 1500 UTC.

Total Estimated Hours: 200
Recorded hours balance: 35.5 (1242.5 USD ~= 32 NMR at the time of writing)
Cumulative Recorded Hours: 123

PS: Please join the #numerbay channel on RocketChat for future dev updates and discussions.


2021-08-08 — 2021-08-15:
Sneak Peek:

Total Estimated Hours: 256
Recorded hours balance: 34.5 (1207.5 USD ~= 29 NMR at the time of writing)
Cumulative Recorded Hours: 157.5

PS: Please join the #numerbay channel on RocketChat for future dev updates and discussions.


2021-08-15 — 2021-08-22:
Sneak Peek:

  • Various fixes and improvements
  • Multi-(crypto)currency support
  • Order backend, checkout and payment confirmation UI
  • Started working on automated job scheduling (essential for many future features)
  • Updated workplans and time estimates. Changes are in bold (See post #3).
  • Next week to focus on scheduling and UX improvement for product catalog (e.g. sort by rank), then onto NMR payment with Numerai wallets.

Total Estimated Hours: 268
Recorded hours balance: 32 (1120 USD ~= 26 NMR at the time of writing)
Cumulative Recorded Hours: 189.5

PS: Please join the #numerbay channel on RocketChat for future dev updates and discussions.


2021-08-22 — 2021-08-29:

  • Feature Release: UI improvements. Now you can sort and filter products by rank/rep/return/stake. Products are sorted by rank by default. Scores are updated Wed-Sun 00:00 UTC.
  • Backend job scheduler based on Celery
  • Various fixes and improvements
  • Workplan is now moved to post #2.
  • Next week to focus on NMR payment with Numerai wallets and order/sales management.

Total Estimated Hours: 268
Recorded hours balance: 36.5 (1277.5 USD ~= 30 NMR at the time of writing)
Cumulative Recorded Hours: 226

PS: Please join the #numerbay channel on RocketChat for future dev updates and discussions.


2021-08-29 — 2021-09-05:

The following includes changes from both the crypto_payment branch and the master branch, which have been merged today. (On-platform features are disabled as they are not completed yet. The eventual roll-out will be a turnkey operation.)

  • Completed on-platform checkout experience and basic order / sales management
  • Completed a successful on-platform NMR test transaction using Numerai wallets (Good news: the transaction took only seconds to confirm): Etherscan
  • Added option to deactivate product without deletion, and option to set automatic expiration of product after a certain round. The round number on the product page now indicates the selling / pre-selling round (instead of the current active tournament round)
  • Added notifications in multiple places and rearranged profile pages to enhance UX
  • Thorough linting of backend code
  • Stricter input validation for both frontend and backend REST endpoints (API docs available here (Swagger) and here (ReDoc)
  • Other issue fixes and minor improvements
  • Work plan is in post #2
  • Next week to focus on seller submission experience and API automation of submission and distributtion

Total Estimated Hours: 279
Recorded hours balance: 39 [If the rate increase to $50 is approved, 39*50 = 1950 USD ~= 41 NMR at the time of writing]
Cumulative Recorded Hours: 265

PS: Please join the #numerbay channel on RocketChat for future dev updates and discussions.


2021-09-05 — 2021-09-12:

The following includes changes from the crypto_payment branch only, which are not live.

  • Completed storage integration with GCS
  • Completed basic on-platform file distribution experience. Sellers can manage product artifacts for each round, and buyers with confirmed orders can download via dynamically generated temporary links
  • Started working on email notifications
  • Other issue fixes
  • Work plan is in post #2
  • Next week to focus on further improving user experience, comprehensive API unit tests and UI integration tests

Total Estimated Hours: 327
Recorded hours balance: 31.5 [31.5*50 = 1575 USD ~= 34 NMR at the time of writing]
Cumulative Recorded Hours: 296.5

PS: Please join the #numerbay channel on RocketChat for future dev updates and discussions.


2021-09-12 — 2021-09-19:

The following includes changes from both the crypto_payment branch and the master branch, which have been merged today. (On-platform features are disabled until release. The eventual roll-out will be a turnkey operation.)

  • NumerBay on-platform sales is ready for beta, coming around next Tuesday
  • Added example notebook for seller file distribution automation
  • Email notification has been implemented but disabled until some service provider issues are resolved
  • Achieved automated unit test coverage of 75%, the rest were done manually due to interactions with external systems. Frontend integration test was done manually pending automation in future
  • Various other issue fixes and minor improvements
  • Work plan is in post #2
  • Next week to roll out the beta release, do a walkthrough stream, and fix any coming issue after the release

Total Estimated Hours: 330
Recorded hours balance: 31.5 [31.5*50 = 1575 USD ~= 35 NMR at the time of writing]
Cumulative Recorded Hours: 328

PS: Please join the #numerbay channel on RocketChat for future dev updates and discussions.


2021-09-19 — 2021-09-26:

The following includes changes from the master branch

  • Rollout of NumerBay on-platform sales live for beta
  • Walkthrough demo on OHwA
  • Enabled email notification for: [Sellers: New Confirmed Sale ; Buyers: New Order, Order Confirmation, Order Expiration]
  • Attempted to fix round rollover timing issues
  • Fixed Signals model performance metrics
  • Various other issue fixes and minor improvements
  • Work plan is in post #2
  • Next week to focus on the final milestone for core features: the Stake Mode

Total Estimated Hours: 348
Recorded hours balance: 34 [34*50 = 1700 USD ~= 41 NMR at the time of writing]
Cumulative Recorded Hours: 362

PS: Please join the #numerbay channel on RocketChat for future dev updates and discussions.


2021-09-26 — 2021-10-03:

The following includes changes from the stake_mode branch and master branch which have been merged today. (Stake mode features are disabled until release, the eventual roll-out will be a turnkey operation.)

  • Completed basic submission scheduling and a test submission
  • Added basic product sales stats to the product page
  • Added email notification for: [Buyers: New Artifact Available]
  • Improved artifact management UI
  • Fixed model metrics display issues on the catalog page
  • Other issue fixes and minor improvements
  • Work plan is in post #2
  • Next week to focus on staking limit and robustness

Total Estimated Hours: 360
Recorded hours balance: 32 [32*50 = 1600 USD ~= 36 NMR at the time of writing]
Cumulative Recorded Hours: 394

PS: Please join the #numerbay channel on RocketChat for future dev updates and discussions.


I think the best way for stake mode to work, is for the seller to offer a comission rate to the buyer.

With (flat fee) + (stake limit): the fee is too high, for the little fish; the stake limit is too low, for the big fish. But a comission rate scales seamlessly, from the krill up to the blue whales!

1 Like

2021-10-03 — 2021-10-10:

The following includes changes from the stake_mode branch and master branch which have been merged today. (Stake mode features are disabled until release, the eventual roll-out will be a turnkey operation.)

  • Completed stake limit and automated submission
  • Added minimal off-platform listing support for non-tournament categories (e.g. OnlyFams)
  • Introduced a new daily scores update mechanism. Scores should update within 1 minute after they become available
  • Added email notifications for: [Sellers: New Artifact Added, Failed Artifact Upload]
  • Added backend tests to maintain ~70% of coverage
  • Improved listing and checkout UI
  • Other issue fixes and minor improvements
  • Work plan is in post #2
  • Next week to rollout stake mode and start working on buyer/seller reputation systems

Total Estimated Hours: 403
Recorded hours balance: 31 [31*50 = 1550 USD ~= 34 NMR at the time of writing]
Cumulative Recorded Hours: 425

PS: Please join the #numerbay channel on RocketChat for future dev updates and discussions.


Thanks for the update @restrading . Regarding NFTs in OnlyFams category what would be the best way for redirecting to Rarible/Opensea without having to enter any Numerbay Price?

1 Like

2021-10-10 — 2021-10-17:

The following includes changes from the reputation branch and master branch which have been merged today.

  • Completed stake mode rollout
  • Added artifact upload validation API
  • Added product readiness indicator
  • Added product review system
  • Added site-wide statistics
  • Fixed concurrent upload and scores update
  • Other issue fixes and minor improvements
  • Work plan is in post #2
  • Next week to start working on subscription sales and more flexible product pricing

Total Estimated Hours: 408
Recorded hours balance: 42 [42*50 = 2100 USD ~= 48 NMR at the time of writing]
Cumulative Recorded Hours: 467

PS: Please join the #numerbay channel on RocketChat for future dev updates and discussions.

1 Like

2021-10-17 — 2021-10-24:

The following includes changes from the subscription branch which is not live yet.

  • Completed UI for multiple pricing options
  • Added API for managing pricing options
  • Added fallback to Numerai emails
  • Other issue fixes and minor improvements
  • Work plan is in post #2
  • Next week to work on backend for multiple pricing, code refactoring, order processing and management, API tests, integration testing and preparing for rollout

Total Estimated Hours: 436
Recorded hours balance: 31 [31*50 = 1550 USD ~= 36 NMR at the time of writing]
Cumulative Recorded Hours: 498

PS: Please join the #numerbay channel on RocketChat for future dev updates and discussions.