Churn - New Signals Diagnostics Metric


A new metric, churn, has been added to Signals diagnostics. Churn is the correlation of predictions at time t with predictions at time t - 1.

Internal research has shown that the Meta Model performance can improve by including Signals submissions, but only signals with low churn. Real-life hedge fund trading is subject to turnover constraints and trading costs.

We don’t use churn for payouts or scoring, but we plan to incorporate it into the scoring system in the future. We haven’t set specifics, but aiming for a churn value below 0.15 is a good goal for now.


Below is example code if you want to measure churn without having to submit diagnostics.

import pandas as pd
from numerapi import NumerAPI

napi = NumerAPI()

def calculate_churn_stats(
    # rank and normalize per era
    df[f'{pred_col}_ranked'] = df.groupby(era_col)[pred_col].apply(lambda group: (group.rank() - 0.5) / len(group.dropna()))
    # fill na with 0.5
    df[f'{pred_col}_ranked_filled'] = df[f'{pred_col}_ranked'].fillna(0.5)
    # Sort the dataframe and set a multi-index with id_col and era_col
    df = df.sort_values([ticker_col, era_col], ascending=[True, False])
    df.set_index([ticker_col, era_col], inplace=True)
    # drop duplicates
    df = df.loc[~df.index.duplicated(keep='first')]

    # Unstack the dataframe to ensure every combination of id_col and era_col has a row
    df_unstacked = df.unstack(level=ticker_col)

    # Shift the pred_col within each id_col group
    shifted_df_unstacked = df_unstacked[f'{pred_col}_ranked_filled'].shift(-1)

    # Stack the dataframe back to a regular dataframe
    df_shifted = df_unstacked.stack(dropna=False)
    df_shifted[f'{pred_col}_ranked_filled_prev'] = shifted_df_unstacked.stack(dropna=False)

    # Calculate Spearman correlation
    churns = df_shifted.groupby(level=era_col).apply(lambda group: 1 - group[f'{pred_col}_ranked_filled'].corr(group[f'{pred_col}_ranked_filled_prev'], method='spearman'))
    # Calculate churn stats
    churn_stats_df = churns.agg(['mean', 'std', 'max']).rename(
        index={'mean': 'churn_mean', 'std': 'churn_std', 'max': 'churn_max'})

    return churn_stats_df

df = pd.read_csv('example_signal_upload.csv')
df = df[df['data_type'] == 'validation']
df['friday_date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['friday_date'], format='%Y-%m-%d')

# get historic tickers for each era from historic_targets file
napi.download_dataset('signals/historic_targets.csv', 'historic_targets.csv')
history = pd.read_csv('historic_targets.csv')

# filter out target cols and non-validation data
history = history[history['data_type'] == 'validation']
history = history[['friday_date', 'bloomberg_ticker']]
history['friday_date'] = pd.to_datetime(history['friday_date'], format='%Y%m%d')

# merge diagnostic predictions with history so we know what tickers are missing from each era
merged = df.merge(history, how='right', left_on=['friday_date', 'bloomberg_ticker'], right_on=['friday_date', 'bloomberg_ticker'])

res = calculate_churn_stats(merged, pred_col='signal', ticker_col='bloomberg_ticker', era_col='friday_date')

Why not use numerai_corr for the churn calculation instead of spearman?


Making sure that stocks in your TB200 predictions tend to be in your TB200 in the following week makes sense. Eg. of your top 200 stocks, how many of them remained as a top 200 stock?

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