[Community Release] Automated Numerai Tournament weekly submission pipeline for free, using Azure functions and python

Hello guys,

I know that many people are struggling to set up the Numerai Compute either because they don’t have an AWS account or because numerai-cli seems strange.
Anyway, I just published a Medium article describing “How I automated my Numerai weekly submission pipeline for free, using Azure functions and python”.

Here is the source code: GitHub - papaemman/azure-functions-with-python: A complete guide on developing and deploying Azure functions with Python, using VSCode and Azure extension.

I’d love to know what you think.



Nice going there!, you can also use for example the webhook from numerai instead of timed triggers so your pipeline will start after the new data is available. I am wondering though if you are in any way limited with the free tier at the moment with the V4 dataset? I can imagine that when using a lot of features of the V4 and also neutralization for example you will run into memory problems.

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