CWMM lower than numerai computation

I’m using this function to compute CWMM:

cwmm <- function(mm, preds, era) {
  pred_dt <- data.table('era' = era, 'pred' = preds, 'mm' = mm)
  pred_dt[, preds_ranked_gauss := qnorm((rank(pred, na.last = 'keep') - 0.5) / .N), by = .(era)]
  pred_dt[, preds_ranked_gauss_pot := sign(preds_ranked_gauss) * abs(preds_ranked_gauss)^1.5]
  pred_dt[, mm_ranked_gauss := qnorm((rank(mm, na.last = 'keep') - 0.5) / .N), by = .(era)]
  pred_dt[, mm_ranked_gauss_pot := sign(mm_ranked_gauss) * abs(mm_ranked_gauss)^1.5]
  corr_dt <- pred_dt[, .(CWMM = cor(mm_ranked_gauss, preds_ranked_gauss, method = 'pearson'),
                         CWMM_pot = cor(mm_ranked_gauss_pot, preds_ranked_gauss_pot, method = 'pearson')), by = .(era)]
> cwmm(mm, preds, era)
     era      CWMM  CWMM_pot
   <int>     <num>     <num>
1:  1100 0.8589433 0.8400368
2:  1101 0.8624765 0.8466103
3:  1102 0.8651279 0.8510147
4:  1103 0.8685777 0.8562474
5:  1104 0.8814365 0.8703542

The CWMM of the model in numerai CWMM column is always greater than 0.93

Do you know where is the problem? Can you reproduce CWMM?
In numerai-tools in github there isn’t the script for computing CWMM.

I’ve tried with:
ranked pred vs ranked mm
ranked gauss pred vs ranked gauss mm
ranked gauss pot 1.5 pred vs ranked gauss pot 1.5 mm
and all combinations give me CWMM < 0.90 but numerai says in 0.92-0.93
Did someone get reproduce the calculation?

This is the code we use for it:

    predictions = tie_kept_rank__gaussianize__pow_1_5(predictions)
    scores = predictions.apply(lambda sub: pearson_correlation(sub, meta_model))
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It wasn’t trivial to find the correct combination: predictions are ranked, gaussianized and powered but meta model only ranked.
Curious about why to apply different postprocessing to meta model and predictions before computing CWMM. At least power to 1.5 meta model as we do in CORRV2 with target.