MMC Calculation "Punishes" Originality During Meta-Model Burns

As the title indicates, when the meta-model has a negative score, MMC “punishes” originality. I’ve included a toy example code and an alternative mmc formula for negative periods.

Basically, when the meta-model has negative stock market corr, the more meta-model exposure/corr a model has, the higher the MMC, which I believe shouldn’t be the case.

I might be completely wrong/off in my calculations/formula for MMC. But if I’m not, seems like something that should be addressed.

The intuition for the current problem is something like this: user model has 0.99 corr with meta-model, user model has 1% corr on stock market, meta-model has -1% corr on stock market, mmc will be something like 2% (1% user corr - 0.99 * (-1% meta-model raw corr). If the user model had 0 corr with meta-model, then mmc will be something like 1% (1% - 0 * (-1%)). Which seems to go against the incentive plan of rewarding originality. When the meta model is positive, this doesn’t hold obviously.
The code uses the actual mmc formula/proper computations.

Basically, during negative periods, the lower the meta-model corr a model has, the lower mmc score, assuming equal raw corr on the stock market.

I’ve proposed an alternative payment scheme for negative periods in the code.
Basically, when meta_model is negative, neutralize with proportion = - 1 (note the minus!), then do some “manual” cleaning to the mmc score, so that if the user model has 0.99 corr with meta-model but much higher raw corr on the stock market, it still gets a good mmc score, but lower than a model with 0 corr with meta-model. Obviously this needs to be further checked by the numerai team so that there are no cases where it falls apart.

import numpy as np
import pandas
import scipy.stats

def spearmanr(target, pred):
    return np.corrcoef(
        pred.rank(pct=True, method="first")
    )[0, 1]

def neutralize_series(series, by, proportion=1.0):
   scores = series.values.reshape(-1, 1)
   exposures = by.values.reshape(-1, 1)

   # this line makes series neutral to a constant column so that it's centered and for sure gets corr 0 with exposures
   exposures = np.hstack(
       (exposures, np.array([np.mean(series)] * len(exposures)).reshape(-1, 1)))

   correction = proportion * (
       np.linalg.lstsq(exposures, scores)[0]))
   corrected_scores = scores - correction
   neutralized = pandas.Series(corrected_scores.ravel(), index=series.index)
   return neutralized

def _normalize_unif(df):
    X = (df.rank(method="first") - 0.5) / len(df)
    return scipy.stats.uniform.ppf(X)

target = pandas.Series([0, 0, 0, 0,
          0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25,
          0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5,
          0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 0.75,
          1, 1, 1, 1])

meta_model = pandas.Series([1, 0, 0.25,
              1, 0.5, 0.75,
              0.5, 0.5, 1,
              0.75, 0.75, 0,
              0, 0.25, 0.25,
              1, 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75])
high_meta_corr_model = pandas.Series([1, 0, 0.25,
              1, 0.25, 0.75,
              0.5, 0.5, 1,
              0.75, 0.75, 0,
              0, 0.25, 0.25,
              1, 0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.75])

low_meta_corr_model = pandas.Series([1, 1, 0.75,
              0, 0.5, 0.25,
              0.5, 0.25, 0,
              0.5, 0.25, 1,
              1, 0.75, 0.75,
              0, 0, 0.75, 0.5, 0.25])
# Meta model has raw corr with target of -5.5% (burning period)
meta_model_raw_perf = spearmanr(target, meta_model)
print(f"Meta_model performance: {meta_model_raw_perf}")

# Model highly correlated with meta model (i.e. non-original model)
# 95% meta-model correlation
# 2.45% raw corr with target
# Overall a good model, but not very original

high_meta_corr_raw_perf = spearmanr(target, high_meta_corr_model)
high_meta_corr = spearmanr(meta_model, high_meta_corr_model)

print(f"High_meta_corr model cross-corr: {spearmanr(meta_model, high_meta_corr_model)}")
print(f"High_meta_corr model performance: {high_meta_corr_raw_perf}")

# Model uncorrelated with meta model (i.e. original model)
# -63% meta-model correlation
# 2.45% raw corr with target
# Overall a good model and also very original
low_meta_corr_raw_perf = spearmanr(target, low_meta_corr_model)
low_meta_corr = spearmanr(meta_model, low_meta_corr_model)

print(f"Low_meta_corr model cross-corr: {spearmanr(meta_model, low_meta_corr_model)}")
print(f"Low_meta_corr model performance: {low_meta_corr_raw_perf}")

# MMC Computation
# All series are already uniform

# Neutralize (using forum post code for neutralization)
neutralized_high_corr = neutralize_series(high_meta_corr_model, meta_model, proportion=1.0)
neutralized_low_corr = neutralize_series(low_meta_corr_model, meta_model, proportion=1.0)

# Compute MMC
mmc_high_corr = np.cov(target, 

mmc_low_corr = np.cov(target, 

print(f"MMC for non-original model: {mmc_high_corr}")
print(f"MMC for original model: {mmc_low_corr}")

# I assume there is some clipping in order to not actually give negative mmc to the original model in reality
# Still 0.108 MMC for meta-model copy (non-original model) vs -0.43 MMC for completely different model seems bad
# CORR+MMC performance is 0.0245 + 0.108 for non-original model vs 0.0245 - 0.43 for original model
# Most likely this will hold in any burning period, and the more original a model is, the more punishing MMC will be in a burning period!

# Counter proposals:
# Keep same MMC in good periods
# In burn periods (i.e. meta-model is negative), make proportion = -1.0 in neutralize_series, and then use manual clipping techniques
# E.g. proposal

# Neutralize (using forum post code for neutralization) with -1
neutralized_high_corr = neutralize_series(high_meta_corr_model, meta_model, proportion=-1)
neutralized_low_corr = neutralize_series(low_meta_corr_model, meta_model, proportion=-1)

# Compute MMC
mmc_high_corr = np.cov(target, 

mmc_low_corr = np.cov(target, 

print(f"New MMC before clipping for non-original model: {mmc_high_corr}")
print(f"New MMC before clipping for original model: {mmc_low_corr}")

# Now mmc_high_corr is negative
# Clipping

new_mmc_high_corr = max([(1 - high_meta_corr) * (high_meta_corr_raw_perf - meta_model_raw_perf), mmc_high_corr, high_meta_corr_raw_perf])
new_mmc_low_corr = max([(1 - low_meta_corr) * (low_meta_corr_raw_perf - meta_model_raw_perf), mmc_low_corr, low_meta_corr_raw_perf])

print(f"New MMC for high correlation is still positive but quite low as the model is a copy of the meta model: {new_mmc_high_corr}")
print(f"New MMC for low correlation is very high as the model is almost opposite to the meta model: {new_mmc_low_corr}")

Indeed, you have shown an example of very unique and useful model. If you have 0.99 correlation with MM, but your CORR is 1% vs -1%, that would mean that you found 1% of stocks which significantly changes the output of model. In my opinion, that model is even better than model with 0 correlation with MM and 1% CORR.
I can be also completely wrong here, but that is my intuition.

If what you are saying is true, then what is the point of originality/MMC? It also goes against how MMC behaves during good periods. In good periods (which fortunately are probably the majority of periods) MMC rewards originality properly. In my example, if I switch the meta-model raw corr performance to some positive number, then it’s all good, the low meta-model corr model is rewarded properly vs the high meta-model corr model. Only during burn periods there is this weird “inversed” behavior, where basically you are rewarded for being as close to the meta-model as possible.

Also, if I were to make the user model performances -1%, then the MMC for the meta-model clone would be 0 (fair enough as it’s equal to the meta-model), but the MMC for the original model would be -1% which is very bad…in reality maybe they do some manual clipping/modification in order to avoid this situation, but still seems to be against the spirit of MMC and rewarding originality.

Could you please describe your example in more details? I don’t understand your main point which is “the MMC for the original model would be -1%”. MMC will be negative only if combination of MM and your original (0 corr with MM, right?) model provides a lower COR than MM itself (so, it should be something less <-0.01). MMC will be positive, if combination of MM and your model provides a higher COR than -0.01. That has nothing in common with MM COR, it can be both positive and negative.

But in general, you must get negative MMC if your model makes MM worse and it doesn’t matter if you doing it in unique or non-unique way. Lets think about it from MM point of view. Just imagine, in near future payout will be a percentage of fund MM profit multiplied to your contribution to the MM. And someone add his own model to MM, which make a negative impact on MM (Increases loses when MM has negative COR and reduces profit when MM has positive COR). Do you think that you will be happy that this user is participating here and getting any positive payout?)

P.S. I’m not a native speaker and hope that there is nothing offensive in my style.


I’m using the actual formula for MMC calculation. Basically, in the MMC formula, you do the following steps:

  1. Transform all predictions to standard uniform
  2. Neutralize against the meta-model
  3. Transform neutralized predictions to standard uniform
  4. Compute MMC as the covariance between neutralized predictions and the target, divided by 0.29^2 (variance of standard uniform) to get to correlation space

This is the formula from MMC2 Announcement

The MMC is not influenced in any way by how the meta model performs in combination with specific user predictions. It is influenced by the overall meta model performance and the user’s exposure (correlation) to the meta model, as seen in the above steps.

Now, using the above formula when the meta model raw corr is -1% with two user models:
Model A: raw corr -1%, meta model corr 0.99 (so a meta model clone)
Model B: raw corr -1%, meta model corr 0 (same performance, but completely uncorrelated)

You would get roughly MMC model A score of 0, MMC model B score of -1%.
So originality gets ‘punished’, as you get much lower MMC with the uncorrelated model.

Again, this only happens when the meta model has negative correlation with the target.

You could think about it like this: model A has 0.99 exposure to the meta model, which this round is a negative feature/predictor. By removing the meta model from model A, the MMC for model A is increased just because we remove a negative corr exposure. But model B is not correlated to the meta model, so neutralization doesn’t change anything. It doesn’t “benefit” from the negative performance of the meta model.

In good periods, model B really benefits from MMC. Using the above MMC formula when the meta model raw corr is 1% with two user models:
Model A: raw corr 1%, meta model corr 0.99 (so a meta model clone)
Model B: raw corr 1%, meta model corr 0 (same performance, but completely uncorrelated)

You would roughly get scores of around 0% MMC for model A, but around 1% MMC for model B.
So total CORR+MMC scores are 1% for model A (basically no originality = 0 MMC) and 2% for model B (originality makes MMC=CORR leading to twice the payout of just CORR).

Regarding Model A, I totally agree:
It is almost a MM clone, it does not add anything to MM, so 0% MMC. OK

Regarding Model B:
You say it is completely uncorrelated with MM, but you give numbers that shows perfect correlation:
MM CORR = -1% ==> Model B CORR = -1%
MM CORR = 1% ==> Model B CORR = 1%
If you use this numbers:
MM CORR = -1% ==> Model B CORR = -1%
MM CORR = 1% ==> Model B CORR = -1%
you get MMC = -1%, as it should be, because its contribution is negative to the MM performance.

Regarding originality:
You can do something very original and very bad, or something very original and very good. In your example, B is an original and bad model. Originality should pays if it contributes in the right direction.

Sorry, maybe I wasn’t clear.
Model B has stock market correlation of -1%
Meta model has stock market correlation of -1%
Model B has correlation with meta model of 0%.
These 3 things are completely separate numbers/notions.

You could get a model with the same corr on the stock market as the meta model, but around 0% correlation with the meta model itself. Please do no confuse the 3 correlation types.

I’m not saying that originality should be rewarded when it’s bad.
I’m saying that it gets punished “more” than a meta model clone. Which shouldn’t be the case as this overall diminishes the incentives of MMC, by basically saying that during meta model burns, meta model clones are “safer”.

Perhaps the problem is more like MMC punishes meta model clones less during meta-model burns, than original models.

I have seen actual models during this round that have higher positive corr on target, lower meta-model correlation, but lower MMC than models with lower corr (even negative) on target, but higher meta-model correlation.
As stated, these models would probably have higher MMC during good periods, but why should they have lower MMC during bad periods?

If you run my example code, the two models have the same positive corr on target (around 2.4%) on target, but because the meta model has around - 5% (so really negative) corr on target, the MMC for the original model is negative while the MMC for the 95% meta model correlation model is very high and positive.

Basically, we remove the very bad signal (the meta model in this case) from the meta model clone and we end up with a huge MMC. For the -63% meta model correlation model (so a completely original, even opposite model to the meta model), we get really negative MMC. Why? Because we are basically adding the meta model to the original model (negative times negative equal plus), as per the neutralize_series code from the official forum post.

I am not confusing them, I agree that case is possible. So, if you say: “Model B has correlation with meta model of 0%”, your example should have numbers according to that hypothesis. If B and MM are uncorrelated, good periods for MM should not perfectly overlap with good periods for B.
Translating this to your example: even if the two scenarios that you describe were posible, and you got those outcomes, they are not representative of the average outcome in the long run. Maybe you get that contradictory results in 1 or two rounds, but not on average.
I am not sure but maybe the problem is that the numbers you have included in your simulation are not satisfying all the hypothesis you have made.

The toy code example was just for illustrative purposes, but it’s a miniature of a possible real world

If you look at and understand the way the neutralization function works, you do not need actual numbers.

Aren’t you glossing over the part where your predictions are neutralized with the metamodel and so then the residuals are compared to the targets? You make it sound as if only your single-number correlation score matters to this process and not the actual interactions of your specific predictions and the metamodel and targets. (i.e. not everybody with the same overall correlation to the targets and also the same correlation to the metamodel will end up with the same MMC, right? The actual predictions do matter.)

Anyway, here’s an interesting case. For round 218 I submitted a couple of unstaked (1-p) models to my normal models to see if the MMC results would be exactly symmetrical. (They are.) But the effect was interesting with one of them. (218 was probably a metamodel burn, right?)

The result for “wigglemuse” (one of my normal models) was a burn:

CORR_META: +0.6902
MMC: +0.0027

So I’ve got a slight positive MMC for a model that is relatively correlated with metamodel (but nothing close to a clone) but did slightly better than the metamodel (judging by my rank and scores by integration_test,etc) but still negative to targets. So that’s fine.

And so the (1-p) model (“smoghovian”) ended up with the exact opposites:
CORR_META: -0.6902
MMC: -0.0027

So the opposite – at least if you looked at it in isolation and weren’t thinking about it flipped – might leave you scratching your head. Here I was highly negatively correlated with the metamodel, did WAY better on correlation to the targets, and yet have a slight negative MMC. But of course it is completely symmetrical with the other opposite model ( as expected) although some disagree that any positive corr should get a negative MMC.

I think the disconnect comes as many want to be additionally rewarded/punished for essentially the same thing as CORR is measuring if they do it better or worse than others. (In which case we’d just make MMC = percentile corr rank) But MMC is actually on a totally different axis (or can be) than your CORR scores, and is its own number. Which doesn’t necessarily make it a good or useful number (it doesn’t necessarily not either), but we’ve seen lots of attempts to judge it by its correlation to other things rather than just what it is actually trying to measure.

Thank you for proving my point!

Your two models are a perfect example of what I’m trying to explain.

Indeed 218 was most likely a meta model burn round.

The intuitive explanation (not following the actual formula!) is something like this: your wigglemuse model had negative corr, but mmc is approximately (again not actual official formula) something like wigglemuse_corr - wigglemuse_exposure*mm_corr = -0.0151 - (0.6902) * (-0.0307 integration test) = 0.0061 (which is not super far from 0.0027). If I use mm score of -0.026 I get 0.0028 MMC (which is more realistic as MM should beat integration test)

The same can be applied to smoghovian: MMC = +0.0151 - (-0.6902) * (-0.0307) = -0.0061, or -0.0028 if I use again -0.026.

Now the question is do we want this sort of scenario?

If wigglemuse had CORR_META of 1 and smoghovian CORR_META of -1, the difference in MMC would be even more extreme, in favor of wigglemuse. However, wigglemuse had a really negative raw corr while smoghovian had a really good positive corr, so why are we rewarding wigglemuse? Negative corr and kinda correlated to the meta model…
While an opposite, original model with highly positive corr gets negative (?!) mmc?

And again it would be even more extreme if the corrs with the meta model were 1 and -1.

Regarding the neutralization, I was merely offering a simple explanation. In my example code I used the exact formula and steps for MMC and the official neutralization function from the official forum post.

The whole scenario comes from the neutralization function…

I don’t have a strong feeling about it one way or another at this time. As far as why are we rewarding wigglemuse in this case, well I say would we are not! Especially since now we get CORR or CORR+MMC but never just MMC, I’d actually much rather have wigglemuse’s burn be somewhat offset by a positive MMC than get rid of the slight ding to smoghovian’s overall positive score. wigglemuse is still negative and smoghovian still positive as far as payouts go.

I am suspicious of the appropriateness of the neutralization function as it is and certainly am not opposed to further improvements to the MMC calculation. But I just don’t have the mathematical grounding to really make a good argument on that front so I’ll have to leave that to others. But most arguments seem to want to converge MMC towards CORR, but if they are too alike then we don’t need them both. I have no problem for instance with MMC being negative at times that CORR is positive and vice-versa, etc etc. I think what you are pointing out is interesting but I’m not yet convinced it is a travesty of justice. And I tend not to like “fiddly” solutions that single out special cases and try to adjust them to “better” outcomes – if that is needed we need to get to the root cause of the problem and come up with a total elegant solution that doesn’t rely on exceptions and special adjustments. At least that’s the ideal. If we are going to tear it down, let’s tear it all the way down and then build it up again a better way.

It’s not a special case. This sort of scenario will always happen during burn periods due to the way the neutralization function is set up.

wigglemuse is technically rewarded with mmc. When I was mentioning rewards etc, I was 100% referring to numerai’s rewards for originality. From my point of view, corr is not a reward per-se as that is simply raw performance on the target for which anybody can earn a decent number with the example_predictions. MMC on the other hand is numerai’s incentive to be original. To deviate as much as possible from the example predictions (and meta model).

From a payout perspective sure it’s less important, but I’m seeing this as a problem for numerai’s plan of rewarding originality.

I certainly do no want for MMC to converge towards CORR.
I am merely stating the fact that MMC “fails” as an incentive to be original when the meta model is negative. As stated before, a simple, basic explanation of the neutralization is that it “removes” the meta model. However, what happens when you remove a negative stock market corr feature from a model that had a positive exposure to that feature?

I am also 100% ok with MMC to be negative even with positive CORR and vice-versa, but only when it should.

E.g. positive corr but highly correlated with example predictions and maybe corr is even less than the example predictions corr -> negative MMC.

Or negative corr, but low correlation to example predictions and maybe even beating the example predictions -> positive MMC.

However, as your models proved, you can have positive CORR, negative exposure to the meta model, significantly outperforming the example predictions (and meta model too probably) and have negative MMC. This I can’t really see as an acceptable scenario…

And the problem is only on the rounds with negative meta model, otherwise I believe MMC is really well constructed. On positive rounds, it removes the meta model performance (proportionately to the user’s exposure) and computes the corr again (with covariance), very elegant and straightforward…

It would only need a bit of a fix for negative rounds…

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It is of course MMC – MetaModel Contribution, not Originality Score (for which we could use simple uncorrelatedness to metamodel).

So we can see how the wigglemuse model deserved a slightly positive MMC for helping the metamodel to be less bad during a burn period. But smoghovian should have also done that even more, right? (Both wigglemuse and its opposite smoghovian were superior to the metamodel corr-wise as far as we can reasonably guess.) So the question for the team is how is it possible (or the better question: how is it reasonable and acceptable) for the smoghovian model with its way better target corr and negative mm corr to actually be hurting the metamodel? Is it really, or it is a mathematical quirk of the neutralization process and negative metamodel performance that round? I guess I’d like to hear from the defense at this point…

It’s the way the neutralization function is set-up.

My understanding is this: the neutralization function is actually just a slightly modified linear regression model.

user_predictions = a x mean_of_user_predictions + b x meta_model_predictions

  1. a and b are the coefficients:

Code: np.linalg.lstsq(exposures, scores)
exposures are the meta_model_predictions concatenated with the mean_of_user_predictions
scores are the user_predictions

  1. mean_of_user_predictions is just a vector filled with the mean of the users predictions, basically instead of using 1 we use the mean of the user predictions as the intercept column
  2. meta_model_predictions are the meta model

after estimating this model:

neutralized_user_predictions = user_predictions - (a x mean_of_user_predictions + b x meta_model_predictions)

Code: corrected_scores = scores - correction

So the neutralized user predictions are just the residuals from this linear model.

Perhaps this makes it clearer…
For a MM clone, b is going to be large and positive (near 1), leading to something like this:
user_predictions (e.g. 1% raw corr) - b * meta_model_predictions (some negative corr, e.g. -3%) =
neutralized_user_predictions -> higher corr, probably something like 4% (1 - - 3%) if b around 1

For an original model, b is going to be small, e.g. 0 for 0% correlation to meta model
user_predictions (e.g. 1% raw corr) - b * meta_model_predictions (some negative corr, e.g. -3%) =
neutralized_user_predictions -> 1% raw corr as b = 0

I think @sdmlm has done a very good job of identifying one the problems with MMC. It seems so clear to me I was compelled to write something, which I will just paste here.


Hi @lackofintelligence, thanks a lot for this! Indeed this is a very nice mathematical presentation of the problem. The discussion also evolved further on the feedback channel on the chat. Hopefully they’ll address it soon, especially if meta model burns will become more frequent.

For example, if somehow the meta model had overall 0% corr on target across rounds and 50% rounds would be burns, then mmc overall doesn’t reward (nor punish) originality in any way on average. That is why I believe this sort of behaviour is detrimental to the incentive plan of rewarding originality (combined with performace of course)…

How about make a sort of confusion matrix with all the basic negative/positive possibilities of a model relatively closely related to the metamodel and one with much lower mm correlation, and what same situations would look like under proposed solution?

That is easy to see by taking the average of the derived formula for MMC. The average MMC:

<MMC> = <CORR> - <U, M> x <M, T>

When the average correlation of the meta model to the truth is zero, <M, T> is zero, the 2nd term in the equation is zero so <MMC> = <CORR>; originality, which can be represented by the inverse of <U, M>, has no impact on the score in that case.

Yes that is exactly the case. And once the correlation of the meta model to the truth becomes negative, then negative times negative = plus, so the more correlated with the meta model, the higher the score.

Regarding an alternative to the current MMC, as a first step, there needs to be some consensus on what characteristics MMC should have.

My opinion:

  1. Transparency: no black box approach as I believe the community should understand how they are scored and have the opportunity to perform their own analysis like this forum post. The current MMC mostly satisfies this.

  2. All other things being equal, MMC should always increase with a decrease in corr to the meta model. E.g. two models, same exact corr on target, the model with a lower corr with the meta model should always have higher MMC. The current MMC formula does not satisfy this during negative meta model rounds as less corr with meta model decreases MMC.

  3. Simplicity: the MMC should not have an overly complicated methodology, in order to have as many people properly understand how their being scored. If users understand how they’re being scored for originality (and relative performance), they’ll have an easier time actually working towards that goal. The current MMC only somewhat satisfies (or doesn’t satisfy) this as I got the impression most people have a hard time understanding the neutralization function and the underlying mathematics behind it. This is probably also one of the reasons why the main problem with the current MMC hadn’t been identified until now.

  4. (Similar to 2) MMC should always be a monotone increasing function of: originality and relative performance to the meta model. By originality I mean correlation to the meta model (original model = low correlation to the meta model). By relative performance I mean how much better or worse is the user’s model vs the meta model. MMC should of course increase with lower correlation with the meta model, but it should also decrease when the user’s predictions underperform the meta model. An original model shouldn’t be rewarded if it has very very bad relative performance. The current MMC does not satisfy this as during negative meta model rounds it punishes originality, i.e. it is not monotonically increasing in originality.