This is not wearing my Council of Elders hat (or cape), but as a brew-your own compute user - previously using google cloud (Automated submission with google cloud), and now just using my home machine.
Here is one whatabout :-).
“local compute (windows with wsl2, vm/docker, dedicated hardware) based on Ubuntu”
In my current windows compute I have a task scheduled that calls the below batch file once a week. Running wsl2 on windows to have some docker vm run my models in ubuntu seems like several layers of engineering overkill to me, or am I wrong there?
cd C:\Users\bor\projects\valkyrie3
powershell -command clj -X valkyrie.fetch/fetch-live
powershell -command clj -M:predict
powershell -command clj -X valkyrie.submit/submit
I know I am using clojure, but someone could make the same using python and numerapi and a batch file, and that would cover windows and linux home machines.