Stake multiplier updates starting round 589

We will be updating stake multipliers starting at round 589

  • Numerai users will be able to stake up to 2xCorr
  • Max TC multiplier will be lowered to 1xTC for both tournaments
  • Staking on TC will require 2xCorr|Fnc multiplier and will fallback to 0xTC if not set

When can users make these changes to the new multipliers?
After round 589 opens Sat Oct 7

I want to stake on TC, what do I need to do after round 589 opens?
Visit the website and ensure that you are staking on 2xCorr + 1xTC after round 589 opens.

What if I do nothing?
Your multipliers will fallback within the new ranges. If you are not staking 2xCorr, your TC multiplier will fallback to 0xTC

I’m staking 0xCorr + 3xTC now. What happens if I do nothing?
Your TC multiplier will fallback to zero at round 589 and your stake will not earn payouts or burns.

I’m staking 2xFnc + 3xTC on signals. What happens if I do nothing?
Your TC multiplier will fallback to 1xTC at round 589.

I’m staking 1xCorr + 3xTC now. What happens if I do nothing?
Your TC multiplier will fallback to 0xTC at round 589

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