The humans of Numerai

What a journey, mate! Congrats!

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Hi Everyone,

I started out as a solution architect for enterprise management systems, but then I felt the drag towards machine learning and data science. I started learning on my own and got also some medals in Kaggle competitions until I found Numerai.

Since I have a decade long history of ā€œsave much and invest in tech stocksā€, I got financially independent recently. Now I donā€™t have a full time job and Numerai is my most time consuming hobby. Iā€™m not doing it for the money, but itā€™s hard to deny that it feels good, when I get the Wednesday payouts :slight_smile:

Iā€™m also an amatour triathlete, did an Ironman. Recently picked up karate as well to train with my son together.

I used to be a globetrotter, but I settled down at home in Hungary with my wife and 2 kids.
Iā€™m still a couchsurfer host! Numerai visitors are welcome!

We can get in touch on LinkedIn

Lifeā€™s great! If you let it be :slight_smile:


bumpity bump, letā€™s keep those introā€™s rolling! :slight_smile:


Hi all,

New participant here. I grew up in Galway, Ireland - left at age 21 for Japan to teach English during the 00s economic crisis. Evenutally ended up back in England doing a PhD in Clinical Biology/Nutrigenomics, had a child, did a bunch of different things in between including working in education, publishing a bioinformatics papers, writing some popular media pieces and working data engineering/data science jobs. Currently working on data science projects in manufacturing/agricultural sector for a DSAAS startup.

Submitted my first model yesterday - I filtered features for assumption of inter-era stationarity and then ensembled some models together. Experimenting with neutralization methods at the moment.

You can find me here and here off of Numerai. Would be excited to hear from and colloborate with others (both fellow new comers and more seasoned participants).


Hi all,
First of all I wish you all the best and happiness for this new year.
I plan to launch very soon a platform of automated management of aws ec2 spots instances which would allow you to :

  • save up to 90% of the costs
  • develop, test and iterate quickly in a secure way, new algorithms of artificial intelligence
    I would be delighted if you could take 2 minutes to answer my survey
    Quick survey .

Hello everyone,

my name real name is Manuel, 34, spanish. I am a software developer, nothing fancy to say about my professional career.
On my free time, I like doing somehow interesting things to try an feel alive. I was introduced to Numerai by my workmate and I have had fun here since then. I have trained some, predicted some and staked some. I donā€™t know much about machine learning and have never applied it professionaly. I just took some courses.
I like birdwatching, I find it relaxing. I name my models after birds, so if you see a model named by the scientific name of a bird, itā€™s probably me.

I wish the best to everyone here


This is a fantastic topic!!! To keep it rolling here is my entry.

:wave: My name is Josef Å venda and I live in Prague, Czech Republic, EU - the most beautiful city of the world. As born in 1960 I am definitely a contender for the title ā€œThe Fossilā€ of Numerai community, although with @gammarat it might be very close. Sorry @robbo_the_fossil you have no chance :face_with_monocle:.

In 1978 I wrote my first program - solving linear equations with matrix operations in Basic on 16kB RAM school computer (loader pushed in in hexacode from front panel, interpreter loaded from paper tape and interaction via electric typewriter). In 1979 I started to study econometrics and operations research at Economics University in Prague and there I initiated my interest in AI. I have programmed rule based expert system with fuzzy logic reasoning and graduated in 1984 with thesis on model of reasoning with uncertainty based on fuzzy logic and stayed at university as a research fellow for a couple of years more.

Then commies fell, I went to business - selling software - from 1996 to 2018 in Autodesk and Oracle in number of very interesting countries (my best memories are from Israel and Georgia). Although rewarding, it was intellectually not very demanding. So, when I had some more time after my stint at failed biodata startup, I went back to my original interests in math, AI and stock markets.

I have joined Kaggle to learn Python and deep learning and when I was boasting on LinkedIn about learning Fourier features, former ORCL colleague told me about the hardest data science tournament in the world. I was hooked instantly and when my models reached Top 10 it just felt great. Since then, I am on Numerai #tournament almost daily, always learning something new. Lately it was unfortunately mostly about automation/backend and less on #data-science (I believe it reflects my performance :crazy_face:), but as eternal self-delusional optimist I believe it will change. My models are prefixed with JOS_ and it would be great if search box on Leaderboard page would not trim trailing underscore.

Part of my fossil profile is my favourite writer Milan Kundera (read anything from him but lately become quite actual his Kidnapped West: The Tragedy of Central Europe), movies of Michelangelo Antonioni and Andrei Tarkovski . As atheist I love anything from late Christopher Hitchens and as sceptic I like Nassim Taleb as well as people he despise such as Stephen Pinker (especially his The Blank Slate). In music I have slight preference for J.S.Bach and Mozartā€™s operas, but i do not discriminate much and listen to anything from world music to RATM.

I hate majority of taxes (especially income, corporate, value-added and capital), but it makes me no anarcho-capitalist or bitcoin fan. Rather I dream of single tax which would be supplying lean state with needed income without citizen harassment and bureaucracy. Luckily there are good candidates to achieve this ideal, so if you share my taxation disgust, check APT Tax and itā€™s Swiss version Micro-Tax initiative and spread the word. In US (not my concern) it could be also Fair Tax Act and movement.

Kudos to @richai and Numerai staff to making it all possible, you have built great thing.

Anyway - the best parts of Numerai is you - the community! So noobs: keep it rolling!