Unpacking round_model_performances_v2

The round_model_performances api is straightforward. Round details and your scores arrive in a nice flat list, put them in a DataFrame and run historical score analysis to your heart’s content.

It is now being replaced with round_model_performances_v2, which has all the new score types but requires a bit of unpacking. Here are a couple functions that may come in handy.

If you just want to flatten the result from round_model_performances_v2:

def unpack_rmp(packed_rmp: list) -> list:
    """Unpack the submissionScores from round_model_performances_v2.

        packed_rmp: the response from a call to round_model_performances_v2

        list of dicts: list of round entries with all scores pulled up into the round dict
    flat_rmp = []
    for row in packed_rmp:
        flat_row = {}

        for akey in row:
            flat_row[akey] = row[akey]

        del flat_row["submissionScores"]

        for ascore in row["submissionScores"] or []:
            name = ascore["displayName"]

            flat_row[name] = ascore["value"]
            flat_row[f"{name}Percentile"] = ascore["percentile"]

            flat_row["date"] = ascore["date"]
            flat_row["day"] = ascore["day"]
            flat_row["payoutPending"] = ascore["payoutPending"]
            flat_row["payoutSettled"] = ascore["payoutSettled"]


    return flat_rmp

Using it as below gives you a nice flat scores DataFrame the same way the retiring round_model_performances does:

rmp = napi.round_model_performances_v2("e48dabf1-d699-42b2-9074-63aa06d797d9")
flat = unpack_rmp(rmp)

If you are like me, and want to minimize changes through your codebase, you could add two more functions:

def get_model_id(api, model_name: str) -> str:
    """Look up the model_id for a given model_name

        api: an instance of numerapi.NumerAPI or numerapi.SignalsAPI
        model_name: human readable name of the model

        Model UUID
    if api.tournament_id == 8:
        endpoint = "v3UserProfile"
    elif api.tournament_id == 11:
        endpoint = "v2SignalsProfile"

    query = f"""
      query($model_name: String!) {{
        {endpoint}(modelName: $model_name) {{
    arguments = {"model_name": model_name}
    response = api.raw_query(query, arguments)
    id = response["data"][endpoint]["id"]

    return id

def round_model_performances_v2_flat(api, model_name: str):
    """A wrapper for round_model_performances_v2 to unpack scores into flat format.

        api: an instance of numerapi.NumerAPI or numerapi.SignalsAPI
        model_name: human readable name of the model

        list of dicts: list of round entries with all scores pulled up into the round dict
    model_id = get_model_id(api, model_name)
    rmp = api.round_model_performances_v2(model_id)
    return unpack_rmp(rmp)

And use it as an (almost) drop-in replacement. Where you used to have:


you can now use

round_model_performances_v2_flat(napi, "v42_example_preds")

I say almost a drop-in replacement because of some fields changed names, e.g. corr20V2 in current API became v2_corr20 in the new API. Still, a much smaller refactoring than switching to model_ids or unpacking the data everywhere I need it.