update the numerapi package
I have finally completed solution which will launch my Kaggle submission and training notebooks with Numerai compute webhooks. My previous solution with cron
scheduled execution of notebooks and waiting loop for round opening was sufficient, but on Saturday when I am running also training tasks, I sometimes got beyond 12h run limit of Kaggle notebook (because of long waiting for round opening).
It is based on python Flask server - easy to implement in various environments. I am using free Oracle Cloud Ubuntu VM instance.
So now I am completely switching to “compute” style automation - triggered by webhook.
Hi @svendaj why do you use a kaggle notebook instead of putting it all into the oracle instance?
I am a cheap guy so when something is for free, it’s the winner. I could not have 4 cores and 30GB RAM in always free tier of OCI. Plus, I have started in Kaggle about year ago and now I have 20 models in roughly the same number of notebooks, so it would not be trivial to run it elsewhere.