I am a newbee here, can anyone answer my questions?
- what if upload the submission.csv many times? overwrite everytime, cause that’s what i want
- are we only have one tournament here? using the api to download the tournament data,and uplaod, cause I haven’t seen other tournaments around~~
thanks for your time
There is a rule there. If you submit a model before the deadline that allows it to be stake-eligible (deadline is Monday morningish), then you can’t change that submission after that (because you still could stake on it before Thursday). However, late submissions (after Monday morning) you can update all week until the next round starts because they can’t be staked. But you’ve got 15 slots/models to work with now, so you don’t have to overwrite your submission if you want to upload a different one or check stats or whatever. (And if you have an existing stake on the model you uploaded on the weekend but don’t want to stake on it now, you have until Thursday morningish to adjust or withdraw your stake.)
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thanks very much for your answer!
another submission question of tournament.
If the submission was done before Monday 2pm UCT. and final score come out four weeks later, does it mean the whole tournament is expecting participant to provide a forecast or asset allocation decision at week 0 and evaluation the result at week 4. And training data frequency provided is also 4 weeks (or monthly).
It might making sense as lots of economics data was provided monthly.
Does is also mean, after first submission, the participant unnecessary to submit any new data for that round. and new submission submitted will be participant next 4 weeks round. and those result from different round won’t be mixed.
Hope my understanding is correct. as a newbie , i feel this game rule is very interesting.
Note that the above discussions are outdated, the new staking deadline for the main tournament is the same as the submission deadline, instead of the next Thursday.
Each round’s submission will have its final evaluation 4 weeks later. Each week is a new round. So at any moment there are 4 concurrent active rounds. See the picture illustration here: https://gblobscdn.gitbook.com/assets%2F-LmGruQ_-ZYj9XMQUd5x%2F-MTwWeGztnW6NaH6Sd_A%2F-MTxgyK0DubVrdViL4wf%2Fimage.png?alt=media&token=7e0a77c7-632b-4cb2-b6e1-ab5d18423846
Source: Numerai Tournament Overview - Numerai Tournament
Thanks for clarification. Looks like the hedge fund we r setting up is a low frequency and fundamental focused.