A True Contribution backtest

Summary (because long post):

TC is planned to be rolled out in 2 weeks. Although we have been given a reason why TC should be a better metric and been shown that it correlates with other metrics in the same round there is one problem. A positive score for TC in one round has practically no correlation with your TC score in the future. A positive MMC score or a positive FNC score in a round more strongly correlates with future positive TC scores. TC seems extremely noisy, if the goal of numer.ai is to improve performance on TC, it makes more sense to payout based on MMC/FNC.


Although Numer.ai has had great performances as a hedge fund over these last years, they always seem to strive to improve. We have seen this over the last years with for example Signals and with the increased dataset size + the new targets. Numer.ai now seems to have another innovation in place, True Contribution (TC). The idea behind this is to pay users more closely to what they contribute by estimating how much increasing their model to the meta model would have increased profits, taking into account how their optimizer would have had reacted to this new meta model.

The main argument in favor of this is aligning incentives between the users and the hedge fund performance, which should be fairer due to a user earning only if his result has had a positive impact on the performance and also that this should increase the performance of the hedge fund. A lot of theoretical backings have been made both explaining the math behind it and also the more high-level Alien Stock Market Intelligence medium post by Richard. From the start it has been pushed pretty heavily as make or break for Numer.ai, even when it was in a non-functioning state.

In general it feels to me like this had been decided before results were able to be gathered, and even now that they can be gathered I am a bit disappointed that the data is still missing. We have been shown some of the correlations between metrics with TC. But this is not the same as a backtest, what would have happened if you pay out on TC. We have, to my knowledge, still not received any backtest of the results of TC. In general I have the fear that the TC decision was made because it looks cool and impressive and is thus very marketable, but I feel less importance has been placed on both the effect this has on the future results of the hedge fund and the effect on the participants.


So what is the goal of TC? The goal is probably by increasing stakes of people with high TC, to increase future performance of the hedge fund. A model that contributed positively to the hedge fundā€™s performance is also more likely to do so in the future, right? Well, how can we test this? If a person has positive TC in a round that just ended, Numer.ai wants to give him a higher payout, with the idea that he performs better next round. But is this so?

Using Numer.aiā€™s GraphiQL API I have downloaded all round results of round 285 up 304. So a few rounds after the last big change happened, the increased dataset size, and up to the last resolved round.
Then I attempt to figure out if users used the same model while submitting, by assuming that somebody switched models if the correlation with meta model is higher than 5% from one round to the next.

Using this data I am able to do some simple checks to see whether TC correlates with other metrics. In general for my analysis I filter everybody above a certain quantile in some metric and see how they would perform on the TC metric. For example, if a person performs well on CORR, is he likely to perform well on TC as well? You can see in the bottom left underneath that having a positive score in a round has a positive effect on the TC as well in that round. Similar effects can be seen for MMC and FNC, with FNC correlating most strongly. This all seems to be in line with the post made by MDO

Yet for all of them, the correlation is pretty weak. The top 20% of CORR only performs as top 40% of TC. If you were to compare CORR with MMC, you will get very different results. The top 20% of CORR performs top 15% of MMC (see picture below).

So this all gets me pretty scared, especially if you keep in mind that this is not the question we want to answer. We arenā€™t interested in the in-round correlation between the metrics. But whether positive TC in one round means better performance on TC for the next round. I have also made that analysis, and you can see the graphā€™s about this underneath.

As we can see here the relation between TC in one round and in the next round is extremely weak. The slope does not seem to be increasing for better performance. It is basically a flat line with some small ups and downs. We can also see that positive CORR in one round does not lead to a positive CORR in the next round. Positive MMC in one round seems to work better, as MMC performance increases so does TC, albeit slightly. But the best measure for payout to optimize future TC performance seems to be FNC.

So knowing that TC in one round does not seem really predictive of TC, what does that mean? Well first of all that the payout system will not benefit the hedge fundā€™s performance. The TC reward seems to be distributed in a way that does not improve future TC, so it is basically given away at random. If the goal is to increase the future TC performance, rewarding FNC and MMC seems a lot more like the way to go.

What do these graphs mean for the participantā€™s? Well first of all, I am pretty disappointed to say, but it seems that your models with positive TCā€™s can not be trusted very much to generate future positive TCā€™s. For example I have some models with TCā€™s of 4%, but that information does not seem to mean anything. Every other metric is more stable and would be preferable for the participants:

How is this possible?

It might seem a bit weird that a metric is not most predictive of itā€™s future performance. Especially since the other metrics are very predictive of their own future performances. I think this is due to the huge noise generated in the optimization process combined with the great reduction of stocks that are in the end traded on. If you were to get the FnC on 50 stocks randomly picked, this metric would show huge variance. If you wanted to predict which model is most likely to score high on this metric for next weekā€™s round, you wouldnā€™t pick the model performing best on this FnC_50, but you would pick the performance on the normal FnC. Although TC might directly measure what we want, the huge noise generated in this measure makes this a very undesirable measure.

Another field where you generally see this concept is in poker. I used to play this professionally and one of the most important things you have to keep in mind when analyzing your game is the difference between outcome and expected outcome. A simplified example: Imagine if you go all-in and you have 50% to win and 50% to lose. Either way the outcome will not reflect the true value of the all-in. If you were to lose the all-in the conclusion that this was a bad all-in or if you would have won and that this was a great all-in donā€™t seem correct so mentally rewarding the all-in based on the outcome seems not the best thing to do. What you would want to do is look at the metric of the expected outcome, which in this case would be the expected win percentage.

If you were to take this example back to Numer.ai, you might come to the conclusion that the difference between outcomes and expected outcome can also be huge. It seems that the predictive power of the models expressed in FNC (predictions are neutralized before used) and MMC do drive the true outcome, so they can be seen as the expected outcome in this case. Then you wouldnā€™t want to look at the outcome of the effect of using the predictions, the TC, because the variance that gets added to the true drivers is huge. It is a lot more efficient to look at the true drivers, FNC and MMC (or better metrics yet to be found).

Other TC Problems

  • TC calculations seem complicated what are the chances bugs are created in this process?
  • TC will reduce the ability of the participants to confirm the correctness of payouts.
  • TC payouts make the generated signal dependent on the optimizer, locking in the optimizer. Likely this optimizer is not optimal, but changing the optimizer would then change the rewards of all the players and disrupt the entire tournament. This seems undesirable. Also the optimizer seems clearly not optimal. Looking at the results of a round you will generally see multiple people in the top 20 with negative TCā€™s. See our most recent round for example. Not being able to use this signal seems to be a mistake in the optimizer to me, not in their predictions.
  • Due to the complexity and unclear feedback loop and lack of real data regarding this, the expected improvement in models will be low.

Possible better idea

Change the metric to something that is more verifiable, more consistent and has a better correlation with future TC such as FNC v3


Will be posted underneath this post.


In general I have not seen a lot of discussion recently on the effects of using TC as the new MMC or possibly in the future as the main metric. I would like to hear other peopleā€™s thoughts/perspectives/analysis on this.


I have separated my script in two files, one to download the data and one to analyze the data. The download took a decent amount of memory, challenging the 32GB RAM I have. Also these days the Numerai server seems at times to have some problems handling requests, causing errors as well.
If you want to receive the data from the download script, feel free to send me a message and I will send it to you.

Code could also be a bit cleaner, depending on interest x complaints I can refactor it a bit.


from multiprocessing.pool import Pool
from numerapi import NumerAPI
import pandas as pd
import json

from tqdm import tqdm

from itertools import product
from pathlib import Path

napi = NumerAPI()
round_query = """
query($roundNumber: Int!, $tournament: Int!) {
  RoundDetails(roundNumber: $roundNumber, tournament: $tournament) {
def download_round_info(round_number):
    data = napi.raw_query(round_query, 
                        {'roundNumber': round_number, 'tournament': 8})

    data = data['data']['RoundDetails']               
    data['roundNumber'] = round_number
    return data

def download_rounds_info(start_round, end_round):
    data = [download_round_info(round_number) for round_number in range(start_round, end_round + 1)]
    df = pd.DataFrame(data)
    df.to_csv("round_info.csv", index=False)
download_rounds_info(START_ROUND, END_ROUND)
def get_all_users(start_round, end_round):
    users = []

    for round_number in tqdm(range(start_round, end_round + 1)):
        round_details = napi.round_details(round_number)
        users_round = pd.DataFrame(round_details).username.to_list()
    users = set(users)

    return users

unique_users = get_all_users(START_ROUND, END_ROUND)
user_query = """
query($username: String!) {
  v2UserProfile(username: $username) {
    dailySubmissionPerformances {

def download_username(username):
    data = napi.raw_query(user_query, 
                        {'username': username})

    json_file_name = f'data/{username}.json'
    with open(json_file_name, 'w') as f:
        json.dump(data, f)

with Pool(32) as p:
    p.map(download_username, unique_users)
data_path = Path('data')
all_performances = []

for file in tqdm(data_path.iterdir()):
    username = file.name.split('.')[0]

        with open(file, 'r') as f:
            data = json.load(f)
        print(f'file not found {file}')

        daily_performances = data['data']['v2UserProfile']['dailySubmissionPerformances']

    daily_performances_df = pd.DataFrame(daily_performances)
    daily_performances_df = daily_performances_df[daily_performances_df.roundNumber > START_ROUND]
    daily_performances_df['username'] = username

all_performances = pd.concat(all_performances)
all_performances.to_csv('all_performances.csv', index=False)
1 Like

Code update, 2022-04-03.

  • Clearer code, more documentation.
  • Allow the top users in the quantiles on past performance and the future performance to be based on multiple rounds. (As in post 29th of March).
  • Split the code in helperfunctions.py and analysis.ipynb.
  • Changed the analysis.ipynb to create the graphs on the same rounds for all graphs. (If you look at 5 rounds in the past, and 5 rounds in the future you have to exclude for more rounds than if you only look at 1 round in the past and 5 in the future, I think the graphs are better to compare if you make them all based on the same rounds).


import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import importlib
import helperfunctions
from helperfunctions import MetricAnalyzer, PERCENTILE_COLUMNS
ma = MetricAnalyzer('data/all_performances.parquet', start_round=289, end_round=295)
rounds_past = 1
rounds_next = 5

fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=4)
fig.set_size_inches(18.5, 6)

for c, metric in enumerate(PERCENTILE_COLUMNS):
    quantile_results = ma.get_quantile_mean_results_next(

    ax = axs[c]
    ax.set_ylim(0.48, 0.55)
    ax.set_xlabel(f'last top {metric} quantile')
    ax.set_ylabel('next 5 tcs quantile')
    ax.set_title(f'last {metric} vs next 5 tcs')
rounds_past = 5
rounds_next = 1

fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=4)
fig.set_size_inches(18.5, 6)

for c, metric in enumerate(PERCENTILE_COLUMNS):
    quantile_results = ma.get_quantile_mean_results_next(

    ax = axs[c]
    ax.set_ylim(0.48, 0.55)
    ax.set_xlabel(f'last top {metric} quantile')
    ax.set_ylabel('next 5 tcs quantile')
    ax.set_title(f'last {metric} vs next 5 tcs')
rounds_past = 5
rounds_next = 5

fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=4)
fig.set_size_inches(18.5, 6)

for c, metric in enumerate(PERCENTILE_COLUMNS):
    quantile_results = ma.get_quantile_mean_results_next(

    ax = axs[c]
    ax.set_ylim(0.48, 0.55)
    ax.set_xlabel(f'last top {metric} quantile')
    ax.set_ylabel('next 5 tcs quantile')
    ax.set_title(f'last {metric} vs next 5 tcs')


import pandas as pd
from functools import reduce


PERCENTILE_COLUMNS = ['corrPercentile', 'mmcPercentile', 'fncPercentile', 'tcPercentile']

class MetricAnalyzer:
    def __init__(self, performances_path, start_round=DEFAULT_START_ROUND,
        """Analyzes how metric percentiles correlate with future or same round metric performances.

        performances_path : str
            Path to performances parquet
        start_round : int, optional
            First round to start analysis on, by default DEFAULT_START_ROUND
        end_round : int, optional
            Last round to end analysis with, by default DEFAULT_END_ROUND
        corr_w_mm_threshold : float, optional
            Parameter that decides when a model is assumed to have been swapped,
            by default DEFAULT_CORR_W_MM_THRESHOLD

        self.performance_per_round = self._get_final_performance_per_round(
            performances_path, corr_w_mm_threshold)
        self.set_rounds(start_round, end_round)

    def _get_final_performance_per_round(self, performances_path, corr_w_mm_threshold):
        """ Select the last performance of each round.
        Only resolved rounds are used in the analysis.
        df = pd.read_parquet(performances_path)
        df = self._filter_performance_df(df)
        df_per_round = self._get_last_performance(df)
        df_per_round['model_number'] = self._compute_model_number(df_per_round, corr_w_mm_threshold)
        return df_per_round

    def _filter_performance_df(self, df):
        """Filter performance df.

        Filter all rows for which correlation is NA, with rounds that are resolved
        and only select the columns from the dataframe that are relevant."""
        df = df[df.correlation.notna()]
        df = df[df.roundResolved]

        df = df[['roundNumber', 'username', 'date', 'correlationWithMetamodel',
                 'correlation', 'corrPercentile', 'mmc', 'mmcPercentile',
                 'fnc', 'fncPercentile', 'tc', 'tcPercentile']]

        return df

    def _get_last_performance(self, df):
        """Obtain the last performance per round.
        last_performance = df.groupby(['roundNumber'], as_index=False).apply(
            lambda x: x[x.date == x.date.max()])
        return last_performance

    def _compute_model_number(self, df_per_round, corr_w_mm_threshold):
        """Computes model number.
        Every round a users score differs more than corr_w_mm_threshold, it is assumed the
        user changed the model."""
        model_number = (
            .groupby('username', group_keys=False)
            .apply(lambda x: (x.correlationWithMetamodel.diff().abs()
                              > corr_w_mm_threshold).cumsum())
        return model_number

    def set_rounds(self, start_round, end_round):
        """Set the start and end round.

        start_round : int
            First round to start analysis on.
        end_round : int
            Last round to start analysis on.

    def set_start_round(self, start_round):
        """Set the start round.

        start_round : int
            First round to start analysis on.
        assert(start_round in self.performance_per_round.roundNumber.values)
        self.start_round = start_round

    def set_end_round(self, end_round):
        """Set the end round.

        end_round : int
            Last round to start analysis on.
        assert(end_round in self.performance_per_round.roundNumber.values)
        self.end_round = end_round

    def _get_relevant_rounds(self):
        """Retrieve rounds needed for analysis."""
        relevant_rounds = pd.Series(range(self.start_round, self.end_round + 1), name='roundNumber')
        return relevant_rounds

    def get_mean_top_quantile_same_round_performance(self, metric='tcPercentile', quantile=0.5):
        """Get mean performance of top users in some metric at some quantiles for each metric.

        metric : str, optional
            Metric to select top users for, by default 'tcPercentile'
        quantile : float, optional
            Top quantile to select, by default 0.5

        pandas Series.
            Mean performance of top users in that round.
        df_per_round = self.get_top_quantile_same_round_performance(metric, quantile)
        df_mean = df_per_round[PERCENTILE_COLUMNS].mean()
        df_mean['quantile'] = quantile
        return df_mean

    def get_top_quantile_same_round_performance(self, metric='tcPercentile', quantile=0.5):
        """Get performance per round of top users in some metric at some quantiles for each metric.

        metric : str, optional
            Metric to select top users for, by default 'tcPercentile'
        quantile : float, optional
            Top quantile to select, by default 0.5

        pandas DataFrame.
            Performance of top users per round.
        relevant_rounds = self._get_relevant_rounds()
        df = relevant_rounds.apply(
            lambda x:  self._get_top_quantile_same_round_performance(x, metric, quantile))
        return df

    def get_mean_top_quantile_next_round_performance(self, rounds_past=1, rounds_next=1,
                                                     metric='tcPercentile', quantile=0.5):
        """Get future mean performance of top users, for some number of rounds for some metric 
        at some quantile, for each metric.

        rounds_past : int, optional
            Number of past rounds to decide past performance on, by default 1.
        rounds_next : int, optional
            Number of future rounds to decide next performance on, by default 1.
        metric : str, optional
            The metric for which to decide the top users by, by default 'tcPercentile'.
        quantile : float, optional
            The top quantile of users to select, by default 0.5.

        pandas Series.
            Mean performance of top users in future rounds.

        df_per_round = self.get_top_quantile_next_round_performance(
            rounds_past, rounds_next, metric, quantile)
        df_mean = df_per_round[PERCENTILE_COLUMNS].mean()
        df_mean['quantile'] = quantile
        return df_mean

    def get_top_quantile_next_round_performance(self, rounds_past=1, rounds_next=1,
                                                metric='tcPercentile', quantile=0.5):
        """Get future performance of top users, for some number of rounds for some metric 
        at some quantile, per round for each metric.

        rounds_past : int, optional
            Number of past rounds to decide past performance on, by default 1.
        rounds_next : int, optional
            Number of future rounds to decide next performance on, by default 1.
        metric : str, optional
            The metric for which to decide the top users by, by default 'tcPercentile'.
        quantile : float, optional
            The top quantile of users to select, by default 0.5.

        pandas Dataframe.
            Performance of top users in future rounds per round.
        relevant_rounds = self._get_relevant_rounds()
        df = relevant_rounds.apply(
            lambda x:  self._get_top_quantile_next_rounds_performance(
                x, rounds_past, rounds_next, metric, quantile)
        return df

    def _get_top_quantile_same_round_performance(self, round_number, metric, quantile):
        """Get performance of top quantile users for a round.
        df_round = self._get_performance_data_of_round(round_number)
        top_users = self._get_top_users(df_round, metric, quantile)
        mean_scores_top_users = self._get_mean_scores_users(df_round, top_users)

        mean_scores_top_users['roundNumber'] = round_number
        mean_scores_top_users['quantile_metric'] = metric
        mean_scores_top_users['quantile'] = quantile

        return mean_scores_top_users

    def _get_performance_data_of_round(self, round_number):
        """Get performance data for a round."""
        df = self.performance_per_round[self.performance_per_round.roundNumber == round_number]
        return df

    def _get_top_quantile_next_rounds_performance(self, round_number, rounds_past, rounds_next,
                                                  metric, quantile):
        """Get future performance of top quantile users for a round."""

        # find bounds past and next rounds
        first_round_forward = self._get_first_round_after_resolve(round_number)
        past_round_bounds = (round_number - (rounds_past - 1), round_number)
        next_round_bounds = (first_round_forward, first_round_forward + (rounds_next - 1))

        # Filter by rounds bound and same model number
        df_relevant_rounds = self.performance_per_round[
            self.performance_per_round.roundNumber.between(*past_round_bounds) |

        df_relevant_rounds = self._filter_same_model_number(df_relevant_rounds)

        # Get top users past rounds
        self._assert_all_rounds_in_df(df_relevant_rounds, *past_round_bounds)
        df_past_rounds = self._filter_df_by_round_bounds(df_relevant_rounds, *past_round_bounds)
        top_users = self._get_top_users(df_past_rounds, metric, quantile)

        # Get top users next rounds
        self._assert_all_rounds_in_df(df_relevant_rounds, *next_round_bounds)
        df_future_rounds = self._filter_df_by_round_bounds(df_relevant_rounds, *next_round_bounds)
        mean_scores_top_users = self._get_mean_scores_users(df_future_rounds, top_users)
        mean_scores_top_users['quantile_metric'] = metric
        mean_scores_top_users['quantile'] = quantile
        mean_scores_top_users['past_rounds_min'] = past_round_bounds[0]
        mean_scores_top_users['past_rounds_max'] = past_round_bounds[1]
        mean_scores_top_users['next_rounds_min'] = next_round_bounds[0]
        mean_scores_top_users['next_rounds_max'] = next_round_bounds[1]

        return mean_scores_top_users

    def get_quantile_mean_results_next(self, rounds_past, rounds_next, metric):
        """For each quantile from 0.00 to 0.95 (steps 0.01), get mean top performance
        for future rounds.

        rounds_past : int
            Number of rounds to rank past performance on.
        rounds_next : int
            Number of rounds to rank future performance on.
        metric : str
            Metric to rank users on.

        pandas DataFrame
            Per quantile the future mean performance of users.
        relevant_quantiles = pd.Series([q / 100 for q in range(96)])

        df = relevant_quantiles.apply(
                lambda x:  self.get_mean_top_quantile_next_round_performance(
                    rounds_past, rounds_next, metric, x)

        df = df.set_index('quantile')
        return df

    def get_quantile_results_same(self, metric):
        """For each quantile from 0.00 to 0.95 (steps 0.01), get mean top performance
        for same rounds

        metric : str
            Metric to rank users on.

        pandas DataFrame
            Per quantile the same round mean performance of users.
        relevant_quantiles = pd.Series([q / 100 for q in range(96)])

        df = relevant_quantiles.apply(
                lambda q:  self.get_mean_top_quantile_same_round_performance(
                    metric, q)

        df = df.set_index('quantile')
        return df

    def _filter_df_by_round_bounds(self, df, min_round, max_round):
        """Filter df to be within given bounds"""
        return df[df.roundNumber.between(min_round, max_round)]

    def _filter_same_model_number(self, df):
        """Filter the df to only contain data from users who had the same model_number in all the rounds
        pivot_df = df.pivot(index='username', columns='roundNumber', values='model_number')
        pivot_df = pivot_df[pivot_df.notna().all(axis=1)]
        same_model_users = pivot_df.index[pivot_df.min(axis=1) == pivot_df.max(axis=1)]
        return df[df.username.isin(same_model_users)]

    def _get_first_round_after_resolve(self, round_number):
        """Finds the next round after round_number resolved"""
        return round_number + 5

    def _get_mean_multiple_same_pandas_objects(self, df_list):
        """For pandas objects with similar index/columns, find the mean of the objects.
        sum_df = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, df_list)
        mean_df = sum_df / len(df_list)
        return mean_df

    def _get_top_users(self, df_per_round, metric, quantile):
        """Retrieve top users in a round given a metric and by some quantile cutoff"""
        scores_agg = df_per_round.groupby('username')[metric].mean()
        score_threshold = scores_agg.quantile(quantile)
        top_users = scores_agg.index[scores_agg > score_threshold]
        return top_users

    def _get_mean_scores_users(self, df_per_round, users):
        """Compute mean scores of users in a specific round"""
        scores_agg = df_per_round.groupby('username')[PERCENTILE_COLUMNS].mean()
        rounds_quantile_scores = scores_agg.rank(pct=True)

        round_quantile_top_users = rounds_quantile_scores.loc[users]
        mean_scores_top_users = round_quantile_top_users.mean()
        return mean_scores_top_users

    def _assert_all_rounds_in_df(self, df, min_round_range, max_round_range):
        """Assert that all required rounds are in the DataFrame."""
        rounds = pd.Series(range(min_round_range, max_round_range + 1))
        except AssertionError as e:
            for round_ in rounds:
                if round_ not in df.roundNumber.values:
                    print(f'{round_} is missing')

Some very interesting analysis. Thank you!

What resonates most for me is the expected value vs actual outcome discussion. If you can calculate expected value (which is a stable measure) and then compare it to actual individual outcomes over time (which are unstable with a lot of randomness), of course eventually they should converge with the average actual outcome conforming to your calculated expected value. Expected value is what you should be based your betting on, but still in poker you get paid on the actual results of the hands as played, not for your expected value calculation. And so transferring the analogy to Numerai, youā€™d get paid on TC (individual results) not on the measure you used to decide whether one bet was better than another. Does the result of one poker hand predict the result of the next poker hand? No, right? Yet thatā€™s how you get paid in poker, one hand at a time. (So Numerai and poker are maybe more similar than you were getting at there.)

However, if it could really be shown conclusively that something like FNCv3 eventually converges to be equivalent (or better) to TC in the long-run, then using that more stable measure probably would be best.

If they drop corr payouts entirely, I think that might make things too unstable and create an unnecessarily moving target. I keep coming around to the idea that dropping straight corr in favor of FNC might be better, but with there being no longer payouts on MMC which is so dependent on corr ranking thatā€™s less important. (Betting on MMC tends to incentivize straight corr over FNC, whereas TC is neutralized as part of the process so that wonā€™t matter so much.)

And then there is the fact that nobody has been trying to optimize for TC so far, so we really donā€™t know what that looks like ā€“ it could be much more stable once people do. I will certainly be moving away from my more stable corr models to ones that are obviously more stable on TC. (And I do see that there are differences in stability of TC between models, but the better TC models arenā€™t the same models Iā€™m betting on under current scheme.) Though I do worry about possible major TC variance causing some massive drawdowns that will put people off.


Awesome work, hmm I guess to steelman TC it may be that the fact we are not currently incentivized to maximize it causes it to be so unstable.

Essentially, a model that does not compete on pure corr right now but is very differentiated and still positive would not be part of your sample (since we have no incentive to stake those models) and may have stable TC. As long as the Numerai team is open to iterating within a quarter or so it seems like an interesting experiment in promoting diversity of models

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II quite appreciate your analysis @johnnywhippet. But I think that I approach TC from a slightly different perspective: if Numerai thinks TC is the best possible target indicator (at the moment) to improve hedge fund performance, then Iā€™ll work with that.

As for the noisiness of TC, itā€™s probably a good idea to make full use of all the models one can (currently 50), and not rely too much on history from one, or a few models.

NB. Iā€™ve only been in this for a year or so, and change architectures pretty often. Itā€™s pretty instructive to go back and look at which ones have done well on TC, and which havenā€™t.


Thanks @gammarat. GAMMARAT36 seems to be doing very nicely for TC so well done. I donā€™t think this analysis will change Numeraiā€™s mind, theyā€™ve gone with it and I agree with you, weā€™ll have to work with it. I have a couple of decent models with reasonable TC and I think theyā€™ll cut it. Maybe. As for improving TC for those models, honest answer is Iā€™m not confident as I donā€™t fully understand TC yet and Iā€™m trying to avoid a petulant ā€œcanā€™t be arsed with it nowā€ mindset as it may be beyond me and Iā€™m midway through exam season. Iā€™m a wannabe social/political scientist not a data scientist so Iā€™ll leave it for now and come back to it. Iā€™m disappointed TC has dropped so quickly though and Iā€™m really disappointed at having to retire BillyWhizz and BearsBritches so soon. Though theyā€™ve served me well they just wonā€™t cut it under the new regime.

NB: My first full year is coming up soonā€¦ and Iā€™ve made a point of architecting my models differently too.


You can always bet on CORR only as a transition. I think Numerai will be willing to change their mind if it obviously isnā€™t working, but theyā€™ll have to see it not working first.


Yeah, I can but the returns will be poor enough to make doing it nigh on pointless. Very poor if the last 6 rounds are anything to go by. I have three models with decent CORR & TC scores I could use but as yet havenā€™t yet got the understanding to improve them though I have some ideas but not the time to put them to the test. Time will tell with TC. For sure, Numerai will do whatever is appropriate for them, I just wouldā€™ve liked a longer transition period.

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:laughing: Iā€™m a retired applied math guy (12+ years now) so Iā€™ve got lots of time to playā€¦But right now my general architecture is based on a genetic algorithm determining parameters for a Gaussian Mixture model approach for individual models (models 1-25) and ganged models (26-50). Itā€™s been fascinating to watch populations of models rise, fall, and then disappear over thousands of generations looking for a handful that might be robustā€¦And I have yet to incorporate feature neutralization and the like. So Iā€™ll be at this for awhile. Impoverished, but entertained :+1:


A post worthy of a retroactive bounty from the Council of Elders if I ever saw one! Excellent work.

In your analysis where you looked at round to round correlation of these metrics did you exclude overlapping rounds? It might be worth dropping 3/4th of the rounds to make it non-overlapping.

Have you tried extending the periods in your analysis? For example, instead of looking a someoneā€™s TC in round k and comparing it to their TC in round k+1, does it work to instead take someoneā€™s TC Reputation (20 round average of TC) to predict their TC Reputation for the next 20 rounds? This might smooth the results (more hands of poker reveals the better players). Is TC Reputation still much less predictive of FNC Reputation? Iā€™m guess FNC Reputation still might win for the reasons you point out.

We ran some simulations where we simulated user payouts assuming everyone was staking on CORR + 1x TC, and backtests on this evolving meta model do make more return than paying on CORR alone. These simulations of course donā€™t show the whole picture because they canā€™t simulate the changes users would have made to their models or stakes under this TC feedback.


I feel like this defiantly fits in with this under discussion [Proposal] Bounty for high quality data science posts - #5 by aventurine


Thank you for the nice words Richard. I have been excluding overlapping rounds indeed, so I would be comparing for example (if they were finished) round 304 with round 309.

Looking both forwards 20 rounds and backwards 20 rounds would get me into the problem of wanting to use data with no big change in there. I suspect for example that the historical performance of models mattered less when the 10x data got into play. I think especially what is missing is at looking more rounds afterwards, since the payment on one round cares not just about one round after but all rounds after. I will make an extension to this when I have time, hopefully tonight.

Ah good to hear about your backtests. My CORR vs next TC graph also seems to indicate that paying for CORR to optimize future TC (which should equate to higher returns) does not seem to be the best. Maybe comparing one payout (CORR) versus 2 payouts (CORR + 1x TC) is not the most clean way to compare results. Maybe it makes more sense to compare CORR + 1x TC with CORR + 1x MMC?

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@bvmcheckking Thanks for the analysis! We did indeed compare backtest simulations using lots of permutations of payout systems including both CORR + 1x MMC and CORR + 2x MMC. The best ones were either TC alone or in addition to CORR.

There are a few reasons we would rather not use FNC is the payout metric. We donā€™t want to completely disincientize any feature exposure. Some amount of feature exposure and/or feature timing models can be beneficial and thus TC can incentivize a much wider range of possible models. Furthermore, TC helps reward originality in a way that FNC does not.

Iā€™ve also done some analyses that are complementary to what youā€™ve done, but donā€™t seem quite as dire and add a bit of color to the situation.
These histogram of correlations of the scores of all users at a given era with the score at the next non-overlapped future era.
The above plot suggests to me that both FNC and TC are decent proxies for future TC, but the relationship is of course noisy.

I find the above plot quite interesting. It agrees with your analysis that, on average, FNC decently predicts future FNC. But, there are a large number of times where the relationship is strongly negatively correlated, <-0.1, many more than in the above plots involving TC.
So, all in all, TC still seems like a good payout metric to me and targeting good FNC scores still seems like a good way to get there.

Also, FWIW the TC code is actually fairly simple, itā€™s all in the original post.

Thanks again for the thoughtful analysis and further discussion is of course most welcome!


Can you tell me a round about amount of time in hours it took you too code this and put this post together? Could spark more discussion and a possible approval of the Bounty for high quality data science posts if the rest of the community wants to see more community members doing this type of work.


Goals extension

I tried thinking a bit more about the reasons of increasing the number of last/past rounds for determining the top quantiles, or for increasing the numbers of the next/future rounds. I think the following makes sense:

For the backtest we should take into account that we get paid for our results in individual rounds and not multiple rounds, but that these payouts do have effect on all future rounds. So for the backtest we are interested in adding more future rounds, but not per se in increasing the number of past rounds.

As participants we are interested in how we can most accurately estimate our future performance. We would definitely want to add extra past rounds to see if that more accurately predicts the future. For adding future rounds I think it depends a bit on your goal. Personally I update my staking ensemble on a weekly basis so I am interested to see how predictive a multitude of past rounds are to predict the next round. Other participants might prefer to re-decide their staking model on a less frequent basis. Those participants are more interested in looking at the past results of multiple rounds to predict the future results of multiple rounds.

So keeping this in mind I am going to show graphs of these 3 situations. I have relatively arbitrarily decided to set the number of multiple rounds at 5. This due to computational time required to create these graphs so not wanting to check too many options, not wanting to pick a number too big which would reduce the number of comparisons I can make and wanting too have at least one completely not overlapping round.


ā€˜Backtestā€™ / last vs next 5 TC

In here we can see again that FNC again seems most predictive, corr is doing pretty well now as well, mmc not that well. TC seems to be doing fine, up to the top 20%-5% (I cut off the top 4%-1% for all graphs due to instability of results due too few users in this top). The not so great performance of TC in the top quantile is not that great, especially due to TC seeming to be a metric which pays out a lot more top-heavy than the other metrics.

ā€˜Participant evaluating, frequent rebalancingā€™/ last 5 vs next TC

Now FNC and MMC seem to be most predictive, followed by TC and then CORR. So for making your weekly rebalancing in the coming TC period, it might make sense to look at a combination of your FNC and MMC past results.

ā€˜Participant evaluating, infrequent rebalancingā€™/ last 5 vs next 5 TC

ā€¦ This seems not very in line with previous results. CORR and MMC performing exceptionally bad, and MMC performing off the chart (slightly), performing well at the top as well.


Unfortunately, I donā€™t really have one. So I am hoping somebody else is able to make sense of it. A prime contender for the most likely cause would in my mind be a bug. But I think this might not be so. I have done some extra testing and also created the graph for metrics vs themselves and to me these non-TC graphs seem very plausible:


The quantiles for metrics of multiple rounds are defined by looking at the best average performances by quantile (e.g. good score for MMC quantile would be 95%), not by the metric (e.g. good score for MMC would be 0.04) itself. An argument could also be made defining quantiles by the avg. metric score, but the way my code was set up it was easiest to extend it in this manner.

Code update

Because this potential bug is bothering me a bit I will refactor the code a bit and then edit the previous code (the 2nd and 3rd comment). If I do find a bug I will notify you guys

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@aventurine, thank you for lobbying for this/me :slight_smile: . I would have wanted to respond earlier but I felt like I had to first create the reply to Richard that I promised before and that took a bit longer due overestimating the time I would have and underestimating the time it would take to create that reply :wink: . Anyways, creating the initial forum post + code took me about 16 hours.

@mdo very nice to see some of the results, thank you. If I am looking at your results I think to see as well that FNC ā†’ TC has a bit higher average correlation, but also higher variance per round. I wonder if this is the same in the rounds where I looked at (I think your analysis takes all rounds up to a few years back?). Maybe this higher variance could be a potential cause for the confusing last 5 vs next 5 graph I produced. Will need to think / delve into that one a bit more.

This looks like a good result for TC to me.

The idea is that yes TC can be noisy in single rounds but taking the last non-overlapping 5 rounds (or longer) of average TC scores can give a good sense of how good the subsequent TC of a model will be.

Based on your results, it seems like a model with high TC on a TC-ranked leaderboard is more likely stay high than a high CORR model on a CORR leaderboard. I think this is a really good thing.

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The volatility drag associated from the weekly TC noise is a serious concern for staking and should not be smoothed for analysis as this alternative scenario will not materialize to realized returns.