Master Thesis subject

Hi Everyone

I’m about to choose a Master Thesis subject and thought that you guys might have some great ideas for what to do a thesis about

To give some context, then I’m doing a Master’s in financial econometrics and therefore am more familiar with time-series modelling such as multivariate GARCH than with more straight forward Data Science. However, I have also taking courses within the Data Science field and am in general interested in DS (which is why I participate in this tournament), so I’m not affraid of taking on a subject of such. All ideas are welcome

I have already some subjects in mind, which are:

But nothing is locked down yet, so I’m very interested in hearing your thoughts. You might have some other interesting take on some of the subjects or sitting with an idea for a whole other subject that could be very interesting both for the Tournament/Signals or just in general

So I’ll appreciate all inputs :v:


Nice. Mine was focused on self supervised learning + Custom loss functions to get robust embeddings.
All the best!

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That also sounds nice. Did you get any interesting findings?

Im currently working on some self supervised learning for the Numerai data just as a side project, and could be interested in reading yours if that’s possible