[Proposal] Start Up Monthly Numerai Email Newsletter

  1. Proposal `// It has been stated recently during the latest fireside chat that certain aspects of what is going on with Numerai, classic/signals tournaments, and other projects such as CoE, lending etc is not being properly communicated throughout the entire community. A lot of participants have automated their workflows and do not have the time to always scan through forums and all channels within Rocket.Chat to see announcements, new features or changes within the community. I feel that it would be good for the community if I/we were to create a monthly newsletter that can be disseminated though email that could be a condensed version of everything important that went on during the period. Maybe we can call it something like the “CoE Numerai Newsletter” if we need to keep separate from an official Numerai newsletter. If we are able to help make it official, I/we could send drafts to a specific Numerai employee and they could release the newsletter after approval to the community so no one person would have access to participant email lists. Some of the newsletters every quarter can be special editions as well like Fireside Edition that could hold even more information.
  2. Timeline `// I am willing to start work on a draft layout of how the newsletters would look like. With the fireside being today I could work through it, create a draft and get it out to someone by end of month. I am thinking Monthly after that would be best bet with every third being a quarterly fireside edition
  3. Best case outcome // What does success look like? Success would be measured by less questions of what is going on within the community and better flow of information. We would see less redundancy in community members answering the same questions over and over again and it could get really fun(think memes and other feel good information to make it fun.)
  4. Worst case outcome `// What could go wrong? The worst case outcome is nothing changes and current flow of information stays the same
  5. Success criteria // How can the success of this project be objectively measured and evaluated? This newsletter could be measured possibly by less slido questions during office hours or fireside chats and less redundant questions within RocketChat, forums, and other social media locations(Twitter, telegram etc
  6. Funding required, if any. I am willing to work on this project and believe it to be a fairly low amount of time involved once initial layout is created. I would think something like this below could be set up as the following and paid out in flat NMR.

Initial set up of layout/identify Numerai employee to send drafts and work with to create email list-8 hours of work

Each monthly newsletter would probably take about 8 hrs of work to scan through all areas (forums, chats, Twitter, office hours, firesides) to gather information. Fireside editions could be a bit more work, possibly double the amount, since these tend to be 2hrs plus of information in videos.

Total-16hrs(about 25 NMR) for initial set up and first “fireside edition” release for First week of Aug

Monthly-8hrs(about 12 NMR)

Fireside Months-12hrs(about 18 NMR)

Note: besides emails, the newsletters would be released on forums, rocketchat, Twitter and telegram to maximally reach as many people as possible

Comments and critiques welcome on this proposal!


Here is a little teaser for what a newsletter could look like that would be distributed to all users


FIRST TRANCHE FUNDED 7/21/2021: 25 NMR TX: https://etherscan.io/tx/0x027def4c020acae3d97f08979191b628903e6376fd9fdc524c88b03f978d753e


Thank you CoE! Please sign up and tell all your friends! I will also post on Twitter so CoE page can share A monthly newsletter for all participants of the Numerai Tournaments - by Aventurine - The CoE Numerai Newsletter


Regular Monthly Newsletter complete and sent. 8hrs work researching and putting together over the complete month. NMR a little volatile but as of right now (8*50)/46.34 = 8.63 NMR.
Please send to wallet address: 0xA6b53890C31Ba6Ba19c458036363c56Cd5Ed5D72
Not same as last address used to send to Numerai wallet
Thank you

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Regular Monthly Newsletter complete and sent. 8hrs work researching and putting together over the complete month. NMR a little volatile but as of right now (8*50)/44.43 = 9 NMR.
Please send to wallet address: 0xA6b53890C31Ba6Ba19c458036363c56Cd5Ed5D72


Ping (20 characters)

Newsletter is here! Fireside Month. 12hrs to put together over the month so $600. Around 13.75 NMR at current prices. Hope you all like it. The CoE Numerai Newsletter- Edition #4 - by Aventurine - The CoE Numerai Newsletter DM on Rocket.Chat when ready for transfer and ill shoot the wallet to send too

1 Like

Next drop is live: Regular month 8hrs or 9.79 NMR with a current 40.84 NMR price. CoE please ping me on rocketchat when ready for wallet address. Hope you all like, it was a pretty light month this month. The CoE Numerai Newsletter- Edition #5 - by Aventurine

Next drop is live: Regular month 8hrs or 12.61 NMR with a current 31.71 NMR price. CoE please ping me on rocketchat DM when ready for wallet address. Hope you all like! The CoE Numerai Newsletter- Edition #6 - by Aventurine

1 Like

Next drop is live: Fireside month 12hrs or Next drop is live: 25.75 NMR with a current 23.30 NMR price. CoE please ping me on rocketchat DM when ready for wallet address. Hope you all like! The CoE Numerai Newsletter- Edition #7 - by Aventurine

Next drop is live: Regular month 8hrs or 13.11 NMR with a current 30.51 NMR price. CoE please ping me on rocketchat DM when ready for wallet address. Hope you all like! The CoE Numerai Newsletter- Edition #8 - by Aventurine

1 Like

Next drop is live: Regular month 8hrs/ 13 NMR. The CoE Numerai Newsletter- Edition #9 - by Aventurine


Next drop is live: Fireside/Numercon Month 12hrs/ Currently 29.84 NMR The CoE Numerai Newsletter- Edition #10 - by Aventurine

1 Like

New newsletter is out! Regular month 8hrs/34.36 NMR The CoE Numerai Newsletter- Edition #11 - by Aventurine


New newsletter is out! Regular month 8hrs. With the volatility we can calculate NMR on transaction initiation. Estimate 21 NMR The CoE Numerai Newsletter- Edition #12 - by Aventurine


Next drop is live: Fireside month 12hrs. 31NMR The CoE Numerai Newsletter- Edition #13 - by Aventurine


Thanks @aventurine . To whom is looking for the Fireside chats video link here it is https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLz3D6SeXhT3sOHp0-ur80MpZD8fMGcpl6

1 Like

Next drop is live: Regular month 8hrs/24 NMR The CoE Numerai Newsletter- Edition #14 - by Aventurine


Next drop is live regular month 8hrs/27.5 NMR The CoE Numerai Newsletter- Edition #15 - by Aventurine