Updated Models Page

We’ve rolled out an extensive update to the models page with a focus on making the models page the hub for all model configuration and management.


  • New 2 column layout for better page structure
  • New total stake over time chart
  • New current round widget with a live round status indicator
  • You can now download and upload example csv predictions from one place
  • New upload predictions modal
  • Staking and Diagnostics modals now have a model selector
  • Improved models table functionality: search, pagination, show all, and toggle rows per page
  • All scores are now visible in the models table
  • New staking, scores, and submissions specific model table views
  • Compare scores chart gets a light refresh
  • Recent rounds table now shows the submission deadline as well as all unresolved rounds

We’re hoping that this becomes the one–stop shop for all things models related. We’re not done with the models page and would greatly appreciate any feedback so we can continue to make the right improvements.

To see the updated page, please visit https://numer.ai/models while logged in.

Next Steps
With this change we can now start to clean up other parts of the site where we have redundant model actions. Specifically, the leaderboard currently houses a model management sidebar that we can now remove to unblock improvements to the leaderboard. We’ve also received a good amount of feedback around enhancing the compare scores chart, and so we are actively planning some changes to that.