Feature Selection with BorutaShap

I first read an article on the BorutaShap feature selection algorithm a while ago but had never got it to work properly with the Numerai data. I thought with the release of the new data it might be time to try again. After some initial failures, I dug into the code to see if I could improve things. I found and addressed a couple issues and now I think you all may find it useful:

  1. When set to calculate feature importance SHAP values on the test set, it doesn’t respect era boundaries when splitting the data
  2. It doesn’t actually calculate SHAP values just using the test set, even when set to do so. Rather it uses the whole dataset.

My fixed up version of the code is here I’ll try to get a PR into the main branch, but this should work for now. (caveat - the sampling option will not respect eras so I recommend leaving as False)

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from numerapi import NumerAPI
import sklearn
import lightgbm
from BorutaShap import BorutaShap

napi = NumerAPI()

current_round = napi.get_current_round(tournament=8)

# load int8 version of the data
napi.download_dataset("numerai_training_data_int8.parquet", "numerai_training_data_int8.parquet")
df = pd.read_parquet('numerai_training_data_int8.parquet')

# create era integer column for convenience
df["erano"] = df.era.astype(int)
eras = df.erano

# create model to be used by BorutaShap feature selector
# changes to the model choice affect the features that are chosen so there's lot's of room to experiment here
model = lightgbm.LGBMRegressor(n_jobs=-1, colsample_bytree=0.1, learning_rate=0.01, n_estimators=2000, max_depth=5)

# initialize the feature selector
Feature_Selector = BorutaShap(model=model,

# here I iterate over the 4 non-overlapping sets of eras and perform feature selection in each, then take the union of the selected features
# I'm just using standard 'target' for now, but it would be interesting to investigate other targets as well
# It may also be useful to look at the borderline features that aren't accepted or eliminated
good_features = []
for i in range(1,5):
    df_tmp = df[eras.isin(np.arange(i, 575, 4))]
    eras_tmp = eras[eras.isin(np.arange(i, 575, 4))]
    Feature_Selector.fit(X=df_tmp.filter(like='feature'), y=df_tmp['target'], groups=eras_tmp, n_trials=50, sample=False, train_or_test = 'test', normalize=True, verbose=True)
good_features = list(set(good_features))

The features I got out of running the above are:

good_features = [

Making a model using just those 38 features + 80% neutralization, I was able to get a pretty nice model. I’m sure it could be improved further by performing feature selection and training with the alternative targets and then ensembling. Let me know how it goes! Good luck


Wow, very nice and detailed explanation including sample code! Afaik tell thats worth of a bonus. I am curious if this BortuaShap approach is model-agnostic or do you need to re-run for other type of models? The other one I am curious about is if this feature-selection had a (slight) negative performance result when compared to your model when using all features.

Also one of the benefits of feature selection I guess, saves a lot of memory (and thus solves memory issues lol)

Please fix the title: s/Bortua/Boruta/


fixed, that’s embarrassing :man_facepalming:

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On what machine have you tried it?
I tried it on google colab with 25gb of ram and it crashed due to lack of ram.

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Except that you need to be able to load the entire dataset into memory first and be able to run LightGBM at least a few times before you can actually get the “good features”.

Does anyone also get gbm warnings about the max leaf size with the code provided?

[LightGBM] [Warning] Accuracy may be bad since you didn't explicitly set num_leaves OR 2^max_depth > num_leaves. (num_leaves=31).

When I compare feature importance to their standard deviation, the std is often higher than the importance (which is the mean). Do you experience the same? Does it make sense to view this like some sort of sharpe of the feature?

Hi, thank you very much for sharing your code @mdo
I have an issue with it, though (the modified Boruta-Shap class I mean). Using GroupShuffleSplit with groups option, train and test eras won’t overlap, but the order is not preserved. I made some test and, for example I got:

Number of overlapping eras: 0
Min era for train: 2 and max era for train: 572
Min era for test: 1 and max era for test: 574

I would expect the test set to be at the end of train one. With GroupShuffleSplit this is not granted.

I mean, even when one does Cross Validation (and Boruta-Shap does not), one splits the series in chunks and for every chunk will use the first part for training and the last part for testing.
Am I missing something?

@mdo hi, how is the live submission result after the feature filtering algo being used ? What’s the model name ?

Might be worth noting that it’s possible to get:
Min era for train = 1
Min era for test = 2

But the eras will still be shuffled to something like this:
train = [1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 17, 19, 20, 23, …, 573, 574]
test = [2, 3, 12, 13, 16, 18, 21, 22, 25, …, 564, 568]

So we’re effectively training on data that occurs after eras in the test set. I don’t know how big of an issue it is for feature selection, but forcing a proper time series split doesn’t seem like a bad idea here.

I know @mdo created a custom splitter here, maybe we can use that again with a little tuning.

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This is not true for standard CV, but is for walk forward CV. A era-wise walk forward/time series split could also be used here as you point out @objectscience and could be worth checking out. You could probably use the splitter from the walk forward/time series CV post.


Hi @mdo , thank you for your reply. Yes of course, I was referring to TimeSeries cross validation (otherwise there wouldn’t be any issue). I will give a look to the code mentioned by @objectscience .

I made a subclass of BorutaShap that should be era wise and split the time series correctly. It runs, but I’m not sure of the results that seem not too consistent over time (unfortunately running the selection on the whole dataset, without sampling, takes too long on my machine to test it deeply; I expect the results to be the same over multiple runs. With sampling it’s not granted given the random process). I changed the original code as little as possible, but added early stopping to gradient descent models to improve reliability and speed (and fixed an issue in sampling that could lead to infinite loop; I made a PR for it). If someone wants to try it, here is the code:

from BorutaShap import BorutaShap
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from tqdm.auto import tqdm
from scipy.stats import ks_2samp
from sklearn.ensemble import IsolationForest

class BorutaShapNumerai(BorutaShap):
        Subclass of BorutaShap to be used in Numerai tournament
        It will split the data era wise.
        To be used with train_or_test = 'test' (no matter what you choose, it will always be 'test')
        Sampling should work fine, era wise, and is highly recommended 
        given the time and RAM needed for full training

    def Check_if_chose_train_or_test_and_train_model(self):

        Decides to fit the model to either the training data or the test/unseen data a great discussion on the
        differences can be found here.


        if self.stratify is not None and not self.classification:
            raise ValueError('Cannot take a strtified sample from continuous variable please bucket the variable and try again !')

        if self.train_or_test.lower() == 'test':
            # keeping the same naming convenetion as to not add complexit later on
            self.X_boruta_train, self.X_boruta_test, self.y_train, self.y_test, self.w_train, self.w_test = self.train_test_split(self.X_boruta,
            # Pass also X_test and y_test to allow early stopping
            self.Train_model(X=self.X_boruta_train, y=self.y_train, sample_weight = self.w_train, 
                             X_test=self.X_boruta_test, y_test=self.y_test, eval_sample_weight=self.w_test)

        elif self.train_or_test.lower() == 'train':
            # model will be trained and evaluated on the same data
            self.Train_model(self.X_boruta, self.y, sample_weight = self.sample_weight)
            self.X_boruta_test = self.X_boruta

            raise ValueError('The train_or_test parameter can only be "train" or "test"')

    def train_test_split(self, X, y, sample_weight=None, test_size=0.3, random_state=None):
        X_boruta_train = X[self.cutoff]
        X_boruta_test = X[~self.cutoff]
        y_train = y[self.cutoff]
        y_test = y[~self.cutoff]
        w_train = None
        w_test = None
        return X_boruta_train, X_boruta_test, y_train, y_test, w_train, w_test

    def Train_model(self, X, y, sample_weight = None, X_test=None, y_test=None, eval_sample_weight=None):

        Trains Model also checks to see if the model is an instance of catboost as it needs extra parameters
        also the try except is for models with a verbose statement

        X: Dataframe
            A pandas dataframe of the features.

        y: Series/ndarray
            A pandas series or numpy ndarray of the target

        sample_weight: Series/ndarray
            A pandas series or numpy ndarray of the sample weights

        fitted model object

        # Use early stopping when possible (that is in test mode; in train mode early stopping is not available)
        if 'catboost' in str(type(self.model)).lower():
            if X_test is not None and y_test is not None:
                self.model.fit(X, y, sample_weight = sample_weight,  
                               eval_set=[(X_test, y_test)], early_stopping_rounds=100,  verbose=False)
                self.model.fit(X, y, sample_weight = sample_weight, cat_features = self.X_categorical,  verbose=False)
        elif 'lightgbm' in str(type(self.model)).lower():
            if X_test is not None and y_test is not None:
                self.model.fit(X, y, sample_weight = sample_weight, 
                               eval_set=[(X_test, y_test)], early_stopping_rounds=100,eval_sample_weight = [eval_sample_weight], verbose=False)
                self.model.fit(X, y, sample_weight = sample_weight, verbose=False)
        elif 'xgboost' in str(type(self.model)).lower():
            if X_test is not None and y_test is not None:
                self.model.fit(X, y, sample_weight = sample_weight,  
                               eval_set=[(X_test, y_test)], early_stopping_rounds=100, eval_sample_weight = [eval_sample_weight], verbose=False)
                self.model.fit(X, y, sample_weight = sample_weight, verbose=False)


                self.model.fit(X, y, sample_weight = sample_weight, verbose=False)

                self.model.fit(X, y, sample_weight = sample_weight)

    def create_cutoff(df):
        eras = sorted(df.era.unique())
        # Eras do not have all the same size so to identify the right era we need to find what is the era at the 70% of the index, add 1 and use it as our limit
        cutoff_era = int(df.iloc[int(len(df.index)*0.7)].era+1)
        cutoff = df.era < cutoff_era
        return cutoff
    def fit(self, X, y, sample_weight = None, n_trials = 20, random_state=0, sample=False,
            train_or_test = 'test', normalize=True, verbose=True, stratify=None):

        The main body of the program this method it computes the following

        1. Extend the information system by adding copies of all variables (the information system
        is always extended by at least 5 shadow attributes, even if the number of attributes in
        the original set is lower than 5).

        2. Shuffle the added attributes to remove their correlations with the response.

        3. Run a random forest classifier on the extended information system and gather the
        Z scores computed.

        4. Find the maximum Z score among shadow attributes (MZSA), and then assign a hit to
        every attribute that scored better than MZSA.

        5. For each attribute with undetermined importance perform a two-sided test of equality
        with the MZSA.

        6. Deem the attributes which have importance significantly lower than MZSA as ‘unimportant’
        and permanently remove them from the information system.

        7. Deem the attributes which have importance significantly higher than MZSA as ‘important’.

        8. Remove all shadow attributes.

        9. Repeat the procedure until the importance is assigned for all the attributes, or the
        algorithm has reached the previously set limit of the random forest runs.

        10. Stores results.

        X: Dataframe
            A pandas dataframe of the features.

        y: Series/ndarray
            A pandas series or numpy ndarray of the target

        sample_weight: Series/ndarray
            A pandas series or numpy ndarray of the sample weight of the observations (optional)

        random_state: int
            A random state for reproducibility of results

        Sample: Boolean
            if true then a rowise sample of the data will be used to calculate the feature importance values

        sample_fraction: float
            The sample fraction of the original data used in calculating the feature importance values only
            used if Sample==True.

        train_or_test: string
            Decides whether the feature importance should be calculated on out of sample data see the dicussion here.

        normalize: boolean
            if true the importance values will be normalized using the z-score formula

        verbose: Boolean
            a flag indicator to print out all the rejected or accepted features.

        stratify: array
            allows the train test splits to be stratified based on given values.


        if sample_weight is None:
            sample_weight = np.ones(len(X))
        self.starting_X = X.copy()
        self.X = X.copy()
        self.y = y.copy()
        self.sample_weight = sample_weight.copy()
        self.n_trials = n_trials
        self.random_state = random_state
        self.ncols = self.X.shape[1]
        self.all_columns = self.X.columns.to_numpy()
        self.rejected_columns = []
        self.accepted_columns = []
        self.sample = sample
        self.train_or_test = 'test'  # train is not implemented yet
        self.stratify = stratify

        self.features_to_remove = []
        self.hits  = np.zeros(self.ncols)
        self.order = self.create_mapping_between_cols_and_indices()

        if self.sample: self.preds = self.isolation_forest(self.X, self.sample_weight)

        for trial in tqdm(range(self.n_trials)):

            self.columns = self.X.columns.to_numpy()

            # early stopping
            if self.X.shape[1] == 0:



                self.X_feature_import, self.Shadow_feature_import = self.feature_importance(normalize=normalize)
                hits = self.calculate_hits()
                self.hits += hits
                self.history_hits = np.vstack((self.history_hits, self.hits))


    def isolation_forest(df, weights=None):
        fits isloation forest to the dataset and gives an anomaly score to every sample
        print('Calculating anomaly scores')
        preds = []
        for _,x in tqdm(df.groupby('era', group_keys=False)):
            clf = IsolationForest(n_jobs=-1, random_state=68).fit(x)
        preds = pd.Series(np.hstack(preds), index=df.index, name='preds').to_frame()
        preds['era'] = df.era
        return preds   
    def find_sample(self):
        Finds a sample by comparing the distributions of the anomaly scores between the sample and the original
        distribution using the KS-test. Starts at 5% however will increase to 10% and then 15% etc. if a significant sample can not be found
        index_for_sample = []
        for _,X in self.preds.groupby('era', group_keys=False):
            loop = True
            iteration = 0
            size = self.get_5_percent_splits(X.shape[0])
            element = 1 # we start at 10%, if you want to start at 5% set it to zero
            while loop:

                sample_indices = np.random.choice(np.arange(X.shape[0]),  size=size[element], replace=False)
                sample = self.preds.loc[X.iloc[sample_indices].index]['preds']
                if ks_2samp(X.preds, sample).pvalue > 0.95:


                if iteration == 20:
                    element  += 1
                    iteration = 0

        index_for_sample = np.hstack(index_for_sample)
        #print(f'Sample size is {len(index_for_sample)} about {(len(index_for_sample)/len(self.preds)*100):.2f}% of the original size')
        return self.X_boruta.loc[index_for_sample]

Save the code as BorutaShapNumerai.py and import as:

from BorutaShapNumerai import BorutaShapNumerai as BorutaShap 

and you are ready to go.


Hi, I am a newbie in Numerai. I wanted to load only the mentioned features but I don’t see them in the training dataset (v4) that I have just downloaded. Are features renamed after new data releases?

If yes, does anyone have an updated list of features? (I am currently working on a machine with limited RAM to run this myself on a whole dataset.)

Yes, those features are the “small” feature set in features.json:

napi = NumerAPI()

# read the feature metadata and get a feature set (or all the features)
with open("v4/features.json", "r") as f:
    feature_metadata = json.load(f)
features = feature_metadata["feature_sets"]["small"] # get the small feature set
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Thank you for your guidance!

what version of the data was this run on? having problems with missing data in 4.1