Numerai Quant Club with Michael Oliver

Announcing Numerai Quant Club with Michael Oliver

Join Numerai’s Chief Scientist and Minister of Research, Michael Oliver, as he digs deep into the world of Numerai, research, data and everything in between.

This will be a recurring event through 2023. The first scheduled call is
Wednesday, January 4th, 2023 | 09:00 PST / 17:00 UTC

Going forward, these events will be announced typically a week ahead of the scheduled date. Announcements will happen on RocketChat.
Slido boards will be available for events to submit questions and suggest topics, also shared on RocketChat, but there is no guarantee that all questions will be addressed in a given event. A Zoom link to join will be shared shortly before going live.

The recording of each event will be added to YouTube soon after recording.
By joining these calls you acknowledge that your audio or video may be shared to Numerai’s channels such as YouTube and Twitter. You will be able to join the calls with your audio and video off if you wish.

We look forward to welcoming you to the Quant Club!


Looking forward to it and get up to speed on how to best approach the competition with all these changes over the last few months.


Cool! Cool, cool, cool! Think I will join on the call!

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Quant Club with Michael Oliver, February 8th at 09:00 PST / 17:00 UTC

In the next installment of Quant Club with Michael Oliver, we will discuss the paper, “Why do tree-based models still outperform deep learning on tabular data?” and how to apply its insights to the Numerai competition.

Slido link
Details on how to join the call will be shared on RocketChat shortly before going live.

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