Hi all,
I have a very basic question on how the staking model works. If my model performs at a certain threshold and I have staked NMR on it, am I rewarded only if I’m in the top performers? If that is the case, where can I find the rank I must achieve in order to receive a payout? Also where can I find the total payout amount that is being divvied out?
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No. If you have a positive score, you will get a payout on it. And consequently, if you have a negative score, you will lose some of your stake. (There are now a few different options for which total score you want to be evaluated on though: CORR, CORR+MMC, CORR+MMC/2, or CORR+MMC*2). There are no cutoffs for ranking, and no bonuses for being ranked highly (there used to be, so you may find old references to that). Rank is no longer involved in payouts at all.
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