Numerai Payouts App

Numerai Payouts

Numerai Payouts is an app made independently by ceunen to track pending payouts of Numerai models.

For any bug reporting and for feature requests for future consideration, reach out to Ceunen directly at [email protected] or in RocketChat.
Follow Numerai Payouts on Twitter for updates on new releases.

Disclaimer: Numerai is not involved in the development or maintenance of this app



API Keys

View user info permission API keys are needed to get all your models without you entering them manually one by one. It will also automatically update models if you add one. The View user info permission API keys are read-only and are solely there to take away the manual labor of putting your models in one by one.

For those who prefer not to give out their API keys, it is possible to manually add your models.

Payout Calculation

The total amount of pending payouts you see next to each model already has the leaderboard bonus added to it. Because this will be discontinued in the near future, it’s not shown in the app.

Model name is displayed on the top. The header below it contains your current rank on the leaderboard, the current stake associated with that model and the pending payout.

Each row has the round number at the left, Correlation, MMC and payout of that round.