My proposal for the global Numerai community meetup has been accepted. Thanks for all the feedback!
Now we need to pick a location for the very first event. The goal is to organize the first event ASAP so that we can get a cost estimate for future events.
I looked at the data from my old dashboard and picked ten feasible (at least for me … in terms of logistics and travel restrictions) options for the first event. I excluded some cities for various reasons. For example, we just did NumerCon in San Francisco so there is no point to do another meetup there right now.
You can also check out the data here. We can use this data for further discussion.
Yifan (@yxbot) pointed out that Tokyo isn’t on the list. I just had another look at the data. Tokyo was broken down into smaller cities (e.g. Kawaguchi and Chiba) in different prefectures (our Japanese friends can probably explain this better).
It is too late to change the poll now (no change can be made after 5 mins). I will definitely include Tokyo next time I will also run a quick cluster analysis to narrow down the top choices better.
Just FYI on the voting. Is there a choice in voting systems? Paris would have been my preferred location, but either London or Paris would have been in range, and I guessed that London would have had way more votes than Paris, so I voted London (I was wrong in guessing though - they are surprisingly close in the poll).
As everyone has an opinion on ideal voting systems, are there options on rocketchat like ranked choice voting? or perhaps it is worth considering making the voting results visible before voting, which accomplishes something similar.
Hi Bor, yes, it is possible to make the results visible when creating a poll. Too late for this one as I can’t make any changes after 5 minutes. I also tried to keep it simple, stupid (so just one vote without the option to see which option is leading). Both voting results and comments are important as we just need a bit more data for decision making.
Hey fam, we are now planning to host our first London event in July. Please pick all the dates that work for you. If there are enough people interested in attending the event on Sat/Sun, we may plan for an all-day event with talks + workshop (hackathon). Remember you can choose one or as many options as you see fit.
I tried to look around but no luck with other crypto-related events in London around that time.
Disclaimer: I didn’t vote for London in the first poll. I actually voted for Singapore. If I had Tokyo in the poll, I would have voted for Tokyo I really want to go but let’s wait until there is no travel restriction. My fellow Numeratis in Japan, I hope we will meet in Tokyo at some point in the not too distant future